Improvments Suggestions.

Hi and thank you for your game, can't wait for the final release.
Here are the things I noticed that could be improved as a quality of life during my gameplay of the beta.
They have been probably already noticed to you but I will you add to the pile.

1/ A colorblind mode should be mandatory in every game I think. I have deutopstuff and it's kind of hard for me to make difference in the heat of the game, (especially when screen is on night mode) between common stuff and gems and unique items.

2/ indications on weapons on whether they are 1 handed or 2 handed. When beggining the game, I had to purchase some of them thinking it was a great upgrade but instead was a 2h. Should not be hard to indicate on the tooltip.

3/ Stats sheet more developped? No offense here but hard to tell with that few stats if I should either dual weild or single 2H.

4/ "Your base attack speed depends on your weapon". Great news, could we please know what they are then? An indication of the weapon speed on the weapon tooltip would be great please! We want more theorycraft!

5/ cant wait for multi and trade

thanks, i'll edit if I think of something else. Hope this feedback will help a bit!
Have a great day

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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