Inconsistency in Female animation depending on weapon type

in online i use a 1handed weapon and a source so i got really used to that running animation. i played a bit offline mode waiting on the servers to come back, and tried a Pistol and source, and the female's run changes she looks like a bird bobing her head as she walks like a Pidgeon/Chicken. it's very disrupting to have such an odd run style based off of having a ranged weapon instead of a melee weapon.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

yes! I just looked this up to check if I wasn't the only one!
really hope they'll make the run animations more smooth including a slight torso/shoulder rotation like everyone is supposed to when running.
definitely feels like a chicken now.

it's most obvious with the pistol somehow but actually one/two hander melee weapons have the same issue it's just the general motion of the torso going upwards after each step which is weird.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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