lacks smoothness in movement and general game play polish

currently my concern is in the general clunkyness in game play. there are some very weird movement mechanics and lots of character stoppage that makes the game feel very jerky. the camera being hypersensitive to every single stop/start and direction change really draws attention to the general lack of smoothness.

to illustrate my point about movement, if you hold down force move or left click right in front of your character you are constantly turning and repositioning as if your character position and your mouse position are not one in the same. the camera constantly trying to readjust to track your character just makes stand out even more.

of course i want the best for this game but i am concerned with the lack of polish and smoothness so far on what is otherwise a great game. you only get one chance to make a first impression. hate to see years of hard work get overshadowed by game play that falls behind D3 and even PoE.

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Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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