Let me move with scroll wheel

I am so used to binding my "scroll up" and "scroll down" to character movement, that it feels jarring not to be able to do that here. Yes, I can bind one direction of scrolling to forced movement, but then my camera keeps zooming in and out as I roll the wheel up and down--not a great thing.

It would be as simple as moving the camera zoom controls to the keybind panel and letting you change them from zooming to forced movement. Players could then rebind zoom controls to something else, like up and down arrows or page up and page down. Of course, for this to work, you need to let players bind more than one key for a particular thing, like the way Diablo 3 lets you do it. That should be an easy enough fix.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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