Loot filter / Buff timer / More detailed description of some skills

I would like to start by saying this game is awesome.

It would make our life easier if you can implement a loot filter - ( grimdawns style) with a lot of magic find I end up reading 20mins and killing 10 mins to finish a map before I sell them.

I would also suggest that a timer off buffs and cooldown of abilities ( like the dash invisibility) showing you everything..even the shrines buff and the timers...all implemented above the cast bar?

The mark debuff says enemy takes more damage... maybe some more implementation of percentages..would be nice..

Once again I want to thank all the developers and Wolcen team for this awesome game.


Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Yes to all of this, so much time looking at gear and not killing

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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