Make ARPG great again!! List of REALLY needed QOL improvements for Wolcen

Hello fellows,
this is a list of features that would make life in Wolcen way easier and more enjoyable.
Some items on this list might already be listed in other threads.

1)Anchor the cursor appropriately!

 When selling/purchasing/moving/manipulating items the item description      blocks the view of the cursor. 
  This is extremely annoying, amateurish and not intuitive.

2) When dragging items, they should remain visible on the cursor!

         It just feels sluggish and buggy and confusing when items disappear while dragging.

3) When switching through tabs at the jeweller, let the item remain in the respective slots instead of forcing to put it in and out.

        Just not necessary

4) Improve the item comparison!

     If three items are to be compared, please show all three at once.
     Also clearly indicate stat values that would change  +/-

5) Quick selling of items!

     Bind-click selling of items [STRG+lft click] - no need for all that slow and tedious dragging
     Also have a button: "Sell all blue" , "Sell all yellow" and so on

6) Auto sort option for items in the inventory and in the stash

    Tetris was 40 years ago!

7) Quest reward windows blocks the view even when enemies are still around.

    Well.. I´m no Jedi!

8) Option to save different skill layouts.

    Yes, we are lazy! You do encourage experimentation after all, do you?

9) Button, to save and import "Gate of Fates" point distribution.

    Did I already mention our experimental nature? Also, sharing is caring!

10) Mute button (or send to hell button!!) for the building advisors!!!!

         They are EXTREMELY annoying. No need to listen to them over and over again

11) Options to toggle/show/filter items on the ground.

        Yes, it´s immersive, but some people just like to see their stuff! So, please guys!

12) Buffs/debuffs/shrine effects/etc should have an icon!

13)Improve transparancy and understanding of mechanics!

        How do things work? What does what really mean? Many aspects of the games mechanics are still confusing!
        How about an ingame compendium that explains really everything in depth and for dummies?!!

14) That big and huge waypoint thingy in town should be used as a waypoint thingy in town!

            Immersion, you know?!

15) The graphical style of the game is great! Plenty of atmosphere! Well done!

        BUT: the user interface is utterly UGLY and DISAPPOINTING. It looks like a freaking juke box! (sorry!)
            Ruins the immersion.
            Please, replace it or give us the option to mod and replace it on our own!

16) **Make spells and abilities more responsive.**

            Sometimes I have to click an ability multiple times before it actually registers.

Thank you! XD

Replies: 5

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

5) You know you can just right click instead of dragging when you want to sell (or move stuff in and out of the stash), but don't do it too quickly. In old school games like Diablo 2 I would sell 3-5 items per second while moving the mouse and right clicking. This doesn't work here, most of the time it doesn't acknowledge the right click. I've also suggested a sell all button btw.

8) Not sure if you mean the same skill with different modifiers or simply different skills on the skill bar like a multi bar where you switch between rows. If it's the former then this is a feature already, you can clone your skills (once you build the... thing... that allows you to). You can have the same skill 3 times with different modifiers

9) What's the point of this? Are you gonna reset that often?

11) It's partially there, you can toggle to fade or to show all the time, and there's an option to see base item (like chest-piece) or a more accurate description, but it sure could use some extra filter option and auto-pickup would also be nice.

14) What?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

5) Yes, right-clicking does work, but it doesn´t feel very responsive. Also it would be nice to have a dedicated button to sell everything at once by category.

8) I mean a whole set of skills with their modifiers setup that can be saved and easily switched between

9) It would be a great tool for sharing your build. Most people use screenshots at the moment

11) xactly ;)

14) In mid-town there's a big waypoint portal, but it cannot be used.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

8) So, basically a multi row skill bar (that doesn't require any custom UI addition other than an up/down arrow) where you only see 1 row at a time until you switch, the kind you see in most korean MMORPGs that usually can be expanded to see everything.

9) There are 2 fan made planners out there.
You can save and share your builds

14) This is exactly why I said "what?". It works perfectly fine in the campaign. You don't need it afterwards, so it's probably inactive. Where would you go anyway?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I feel ok with you about ALL the requests dude.

P A R T I C U L A R L Y : 4) Improve the item comparison!

It's getting on my nerve REAL QUICK.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

6) Think this one can wait a while till other bugs and better QoL changes have happened.

7)Yeah, this can be an annoyance but it's not that hard to see the enemies.

9) Sure, being able to save would be cool but I would also like to see an option put in so we can remove just one or two points at a time. These points could be at an increased cost (say 100 affinity per point) but it would allow people to test a node and remove it if it didn't work. It would also allow players to re-map there GoF if there was a better path to take without having to do up to 90 points again.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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