Make Plagueburst a Toggle

"Rebuff" builds are rough on the hands, and with an 8 second cooldown and 8 second duration - it may as well be a toggle. Have it "reserve" a portion of your Willpower and simply be an aura effect.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I can get behind this change, or just remove the cooldown so you can refresh at will.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

god yes, this skill definitely needs to be a toggle, Actually, Any permanently up follows the character skill should be able to be a toggle. Maybe make it so that once Bulwark of dawn follows you around it becomes a toggle that just drains WP at an interval or something, cuz not gonna lie, refreshing a series of buffs every few seconds is kinda boring. I get it with things like smokebomb, but I'm literally hitting bulwark and plagueburst on CD for the utility they provide to me and my buddy. I'm also usually hitting smokebomb on cd but that would be kinda broken as a toggle.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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