Make targets and items easier to select

A lot of enemies (especially flying ones, or ones that move quickly) are practically impossible to target.
Allow us to turn on permanent health bars and target them by their health bar, or provide a larger hit box for the target so that we can actually aim at stuff... I have to 'force' attack to try and attack a lot of creatures otherwise i just move because I can't click on them.

The same applies to items, i constantly move around in circles trying to pick something up because you apparently have to click on the 'text' of the item to pick it up (or because the box is just so damn small), just make the item name a little bigger so we can click on it more easily - or give us the option of customizing the size of the loot names.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

+1 for enemy hitbox increase for the smaller mobs (rats, bats etc).

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I had to use non-target skills just to kill a bat. Pistol shots missed it, even when highlighted red.

It seems like flying creature targeting is off, as you have to aim at the ground beneath them to highlight them but that means your attacks will miss anyway.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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