Multiple suggestions for QOL

  • Dyes are worth 1 gold and you can't tell if it's one you have already without picking it up and trying to use it. Either make them a finite loot pool, so once you have it you never see it again, or bring their sell cost in line with other items.

  • Once you have all the enneracts you're basically looting them for essence. Rather than having them fill your inventory with 1x1 items, please just make them straight convert into primordial essence as soon as you pick them up rather than taking up inventory space.

-Item preview of items on the ground is a must have in my opinion. I need to evaluate what's on the floor compared to what's in my bag to consider whether it needs picking up.

-Expeditions loot - if you're going to give us the option to loot stuff in there but not return to town, vendors need to be more prevalent INSIDE expeditions to alleviate full bags. Having it at the end of the map is fine, but with modifiers I'm usually full on rares before 1/3rd of the map progress. Or just let us use town portal in there. Is there a real reason not to allow that in the first place?

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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