My Feedback for this state of the game

i have seen your game on youtube by 4players, and have say, ok, i will test it.

i played the first act one time, serveral mandates and others and have to say, for this state it is a really really great game. the story is good, gameplay is good, players have hundreds of choices for there character experience. now i have made a new character, lvl in the soldier of fortune mode, because i will see is it harder, or also easy, an its good.

what not is good, so i think, my first char was a melee, and become primary skills and equip for caster. now i am play a caster, become primary skills and equip for an melee. that the drops are random, is ok, but when i become the skills i will play on lvl 15 it is too late (at this state of the game with 20 lvl) so my suggestion, please increase the droprate of the skills bind on the ground choice of the character. melee become more melee skills, caster more caster skills and so on.

and a suggestion for a quality of live change, in other games of this kind, i use only a external numpad for gaming, because, i have lost one hand in an accident. numpad and mouse are near to another, but on your game i have to chance near all options for that. is there a way to implimatet, that hitting the 1 is the same like numpad 1 and so on? in diablo is this native, is that on your game also makeable?

sorry for my bad english, im from german, and hope that the acts 2 and 3 become so good like the first act in end of january

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Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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