My impressions so far

Hello everyone,

first of all thanks for creating this game, I think I found my new addiction.
However, I must say it feels a bit rushed, since there are many small bumps along the ride that are spoiling overall greatly positive vibe.

Ok, enough with the pillow talk, let me give my feedback, and keep in mind I'm only lvl 20, so I havent experienced full game yet.

The list, without any particular order:
1. Map overlay (Tab) could be moved with arrows, and also mouseover objects on overlay could contain some tips.
2. Cave bats often can't be targeted. AOE helps, so my mage with staff has easy ride, but my archer not so much.
3. I don't see anywhere icons/list of current buffs. Debufs are shown bottom left above skills, but buffs could be listed above potions.
4. Mini dungeons reward dialog pops out while there are still enemies, blocking large central part of screen. This can be tricky and painful :(
5. Basic attack mouseover saying "Level: 1" is pretty misleading, implying that there are more levels to earn (this is just random observation, not an issue)
6. Selling items gets buggy, often I can't get to properly mouseover item in order to right-click to sell it

Other than that, keep up the good work, so far I'm loving it.

I see now that forum is structured differently, but since I prepared this in notepad before, I will leave all in one place. If this is problem, I will create separate threads.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

In response to your comments!

  1. Completely agree.
  2. I have posted this as a bug a couple times with evidence. They have a 'tiny' spot on their foot that allows you to target them. AEs are the way to go fo sho
  3. There IS a spot for buffs right where you mention but for some reason A LOT of buffs aren't considered "buffs". For instance, HoTs, shrines, zone buffs etc. But if you have a talent that gives you something, it will be listed. Like the mage one to gain a buff per ailment on the enemy.
  4. Yea, it's very annoying. Sometimes those pop ups ALSO don't show the comparison window. And you can't open inventory while it's open.
  5. Agreezies.
  6. Yea, sometimes you have to chain click it. They need a 'mass sell' option.

    I think your post is fine - #2 I would consider a bug instead of QoL but it's been posted A LOT so you don't need to duplicate it again.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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