My input on what needs to change...

1; get build diversity, find a way to make other builds aside from ailment / BE to be end game viable, and when I say endgame I mean ilvl187

2; get content diversity, the expeditions are the only worthwhile content atm, but they just recycle the same maps/bosses, my suggestions here start from hardest -> easiest,
"Get new layouts and perhaps tilesets to keep the grind exciting, and keep us guessing who the bosses will be"
"add randomized events to the expeditions, a pool of events, the random greed shrine, treasure goblin or npc is all we have to hope for atm... perhaps NPCs with quests to goto a particular area in the zone away from the bosses room to complete an event for a loot splosion! or small rifts that are full of easy to kill mobs with high loot quality but have a short time limit, kill as much as you can but also pickup what you can before the time runs out!! speedrun clocks to untainted runs that increase / decrease the loot splosion from the chest!!"
"add very specific items to the uber boss fights, that make end game viable builds work but are rare with varied stats"
"get some set items on the go, people love to farm their sets In these types of games"
"add a replay through the game sort of a new game plus for ilvl187 toons"
"change how maps work, they are just glorified mandates with extra chests or a few treasure goblins, the idea was nice, but they aren't worthwhile > expeditions, the boss maps are good as they are, but once you reach ascended lvl, perhaps make the rewards all legendary picks, to make the fight worthwhile..

3: for the love of the players please either increase the cooldown of the untainted zealots aerial manoeuvre or make only one "zealot" active at any given time... being softlocked in an animation is annoying and although at my current state its manageable it's just not fun, and I can see it game breaking some builds/players

4: leave unique alone, they are unique and I love how you guys have them setup right now, but def add more... they seem to be in quite a small pool.. and add more untainted mods, those are pretty epic as well

all in all, great job guys, there are alot of haters, but I'll be the first to say, this game has great potential and you guys are doing a great job, just dont alienate your fanbase and make rash decisions like the bleeding edge nerf (which I agree with mind you) but alot of people left after that, I imagine it could have been settled in a different way, people enjoy playing a game, when you remove their enjoyment they leave, simple..

you've heard this before but; if you wanna thrive and keep a solid player base, add build diveristy, content diversity, and gear diversity!! good luck guys!!!

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

1) Sure, I absolutely agree that they should try to make as many different build possible for end-game... However, this is a much more complicated matter than most realize. If a lot of builds can reach and do endgame (as in 187) easily, then the game's general difficulty goes down to pretty much zero - also making players quit once the challenge is gone.

2) Diversity. Yes, we get it - diversity is great. But balancing a lot of different player options requires a lot of resources. Unfortunately, usually one or two game modes ends up being better than all others. I do like the idea of more tilesets and mob types tho - but I guess this will come around with new acts.

3) Mhm, soft-stuck in animations is not very fun :( Agreed.

4) No, definitely do NOT leave uniques alone. Current uniques are way too weak - keep the idea of them but make them USEFUL. I built an entire build around my favorite unique - and ended up swapping that unique for a yellow item because it simply didn't cut it. It is really weird to find better yellow items for builds when there are uniques that are supposed to specialize in that area...

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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