My suggestions thus far

been playing as a summoner (in part), and while i havent had too many issues with it, i still have suggestions for quality of life both specific to them and overall.

first off, and im aware this would be more of a bug, but the information available on summons does not update, even with what information is available. ignoring that however, i would like more information available to me about my summons. honestly, the best thing i could think of would be to give additional pages to the character sheet, specifically for every summons you have equipped. the reason for this would be because of the sheer amount of information that i could find useful at least for planning and comparison.

for simplicity of reference i'll just make it into a list.

current and maximum health per summon type
health regeneration
movement speed
damage reduction (per type)
damage dealt (per type)
attack speed
attack range
attack pierce
status resistance
status application chance

specific to the spell Parasite, i want a method to tell how much each unit i have costs. from experimentation i have determined that it works something like the old Nox system for summoning. meaning roughly speaking i have four nominal points, and each creature costs a different number of points. some creatures cost the full 4 points, so if i try and take anything else that unit dies. some take only 1 or 2 points, so i can have 4 or 2 of them respectively. or grab 2 single points and a double point. but i have absolutely no way to verify or learn this except specifically by taking the time to experiment. and keeping track of it can be something of a pain in the ass especially with new enemies. my current metric is basically just unit size, but i have been wrong repeatedly. its just the best scale i can do without any information available.

i think thats about all for the moment, since i dont have enough information about my build to know what needs TLC and what doesnt. the only thing i've noticed even without the information is that the scrub zombies are really really bad (feeding swarm). i still use them, but they are a bit lackluster specifically because any time anything breathes on them they die. and due to the lack of information (updating info in this case) i cant even figure out if they scale off anything to actually bulk them up. all i can do is rely on the modifiers to give 'extra health' without even having an idea of how much health is being given.

any rate, back to having fun with the game and mauling the everything i can find, thanks for the work guys; despite what it sounds like above i am having bunches of fun

oh! forgot two - please please just remove the reserved portion of the resource bars instead of just dimming that section. either that or explain /specifically/ to new players that the darkened portion is a 'reserved' cost for abilities you've used that just hasnt been spent yet. it can be frustrating until you figure out what that is and why it says you dont have willpower (or rage), despite the bar still showing some.

second, personally i would love to be able to remove the auto attack. maybe for another spell slot, but that is prolly a bit far lol but at least changing it to pure movement instead of auto attack movement.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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