My thoughts (suggestions)

Hello! First time I actually make a thread on these forums, hopefully I have taken the correct category, otherwise, I apologize.
Been playing the game since release, mostly solo but also some with a friend. And I got a few thoughts of what the game needs implemented imo.

Some of these things might be on the way already, but I want to mention them just in case. These suggestions are mainly to improve the comfort of playing the game.

1: AOE notifiers, when enemies are making AOE attacks, you get red squares, circles, or lines on the ground indicating where their AOE attacks will go, and that's great. However, playing as a character using Parasite, I tend to see these red marks from the monsters I take control of as well, which makes it so im unable to know if I need to move or not. Im suggesting either remove the AOE marks from things in your own party or change the colour to something else.

2: Playing with others and giving items. As the game is now, the only way to give items is to send a trade request, accept, make the trade, done. I do understand the charm of having my own loot and not competing for it, but I really would like to be able to just throw things out on the ground for anyone to pick up. this is not possible right now.

3: updating who is online. If im in a game, and no one is online on my friendslist, but someone logs in, I need to back out on the menu for my list to update, before it tells me they are online, and let me get the option to message my buddies. Not sure if this is intended, but I dont think this is good..?

4: Pack mule. It would be nice if we could get the option to buy a person or animal that could follow us around and carry loot we wanna sell. I do know its said the game is gonna get pets though I dont know how that works or if there already are in game but I dont know about them? will the game also get mercenaries/hirelings that can follow you and you can equip them with items?

5: Chat links. Again, about items, it would be nice if we could link items in the chat, so people could see what we find, or if we wanna ask if a friend is needing a specific item. Dont know if this already exists in game, or will come.

These are just some of my thoughts I had this morning. Hopefully it could help with the development of the game in one way or another.

Best regards!

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

To 2) It helps us to protect our own Item from getting in steal.
For trading we have the trading window. :)

Hey ren_drakeld please take a look in Community Collecting Thread.
There you will find some suggestions Thread were you may can add some great Ideas.
I write that cause all of your Suggestions already there, maybe in a little different way.
For ex: Like Pets what are collecting for you till they become skills and can fight and so on.

Yes you can help with your Threads and Replys. You have nice Ideas. I am sure.
Thank you.

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

1) Absolutely agree fully. Friendly mobs should obviously not leave red AoE indicators. That is probably a bug.

2) I agree. However, I can live with the trading.

3) Indeed, and this is almost at a critical point. It is very annoying.

4) "Should have brought a pack horse" - YES. 100% agree with EVERYTHING.

5) Agree yet again.

Wonderful ideas! I hope the DEVs read this!

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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