not sure where to post this review...

So before you guys flame me to death let me start that i would like to post a review, having finished what the game has to offer in offline mode (and its good as it is, no need to make it online only game )..
My Review is set up by two parts, i would like to review the game, and the way PR was done during the last few crtical days..;

The game itself is very good, kudos! the graphic is great, the desgines is very very nice, the costumisation is very good! the apocalyptic form , the weapons , the idea the random dungeon and even the fate npc trader that spawns, very nice (although not too original cursed chest ahem ahem..) the story, although cliche`ed to it max, is more then good, the sound track is nice, although at times the sound is muffled, and the difficulty is just as you want it in a compelling story driven ARPG.
*HOWEVER, there are numeros unfinished bugs that could've been avoided, such as monsters tend to drop out of texture and float or sink , some hitboxes are wierd , and at times you need to restart an area map becouse there is an invisible berrier that keeps you from going forword. at times my charcter mannaged to run backwords too (physically.. which was funny i admit..) and the fact that there is no autosave between acts is very ...silly? i mean why on earth wouldn't you do that?
and then there is the server issue.
i myself couldn't care less about online play, but you shudda see it coming...
It does seems
unpolished to say the least, i mean could've used few more weeks to fix those issues and deliver a great game... (mind you the game wasn't free, so hoping for it to be polished and good is something im allowed too).
And then there was
the PR itself wasnt too bad, i mean clearly the dev's tried to be online and fix and help what ever they could , so no problam with them , on that area, I do however like to complain the groupies that hold other pages for them, like Facebook,
I have posted a simmilier review on facebook, in the wolcen offical group page, and i recieved very VERY negetive massage from one Milo, who admins that group, calling me a
"cry baby"*, and saying how i shoulda adrassed the discord servers or the forum for any bug report\critque. apperntly, facebook is not a place to review a game?
and while i was defending my right to post it, he deleted the post alltogether and kicked me from the group itself. so basicly he pulled a blizzard on me.,
i do no know if Milo is a wolcen offical, i do however, want to stress how acting like that doesnt help anything except losing players and money.
the point of this review is not to destory, flame or hurt anyone GODFORBID, but to maybe, help stress whatever fualts an otherwise really good game have.
and i do appologies for any grammatical mistakes (as i am tired ) and if i offended anyone.

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Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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