Observations and suggestions...

First off this game feels like it was released a little too early. I understand that it was in Beta for a long time, but what is done is done.

Right click to sell is buggy. It takes multiple attempts on occasion to sell items.
Activating skills/spells/potions is buggy. I have noticed that I have to press the hotkey multiple times to active the ability/potion.
Mandates get repetitive very quickly.
Multiplayer doesn't have confirmation from all players before starting a Mandate/Expedition or ending them.

First off, don't ignore all the negativity that seems to happening, but don't let it bring you down. Use it to fuel your passion for this game.
Expand mandate missions to include things like, Escort Caravan to Location X, Activate X number of Beacons, Defend position X then Y then Z, Locate Object X and any others that the people decide to add below.
Some sort of Clan or Guild system would be greatly appreciated.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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