Offline Mode suggestion


My wife and i play Wolcen (me since early access her since today) and we obviously want to play together. We couldn't find anyway to do this in offline mode and in online mode our ms shows between 25-29ms but but lag horribly. Things like characters casting spells for 5 secs after you stop with inputs and randomly hitting an invisible wall for 20 seconds before the game lets you keep moving. When we play offline mode we have no lag and the game is extremely responsive and smooth.

My QoL suggestion (and i am sure a lot of other people have probably asked about it) is to have offline multiplayer. If offline characters can't play online (which i agree with 100%) whats the harm in letting offline players play together over LAN or something. Is this something the development team is considering at all?

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Yes, seen tons of people ask for this.

It's one of the best things missing from a ton/most of games these days. Give that to the people!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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