Offline Waste of Time

It's laughable that i've just wasted 3.5 hours of play time thinking like Grim Dawn; I can use any character OFFLINE AND ONLINE. Wholly ridiculous that while YOUR servers are down I've wasted time on a character I cant use with my friends. What benefit is there of separating characters? Who cares if the game can be modified offline; what mods would harm online integration if they arent used anyway? Hackers? Hackers doing what? Doesn't matter to me. I want my time back.

Replies: 5

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Can you explain why people cheating (edit: online with others) doesn't matter?

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

you know why diablo2 was back then such a huge success? because the characters were not saved and your hard drive, but instead on the server

ever played back then open bnet where you could play with your singleplayer savegames? yea? cause it was full of cheaters. same with Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, Torchlight 2 and so on, none of them had online saves only

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

It's unfortunate that you feel that way, but I think for the overall health of the economy and integrity of the game it's good that it works that way.

If players could go offline and use third party software while not connected to the Wolcen servers (and therefore, are undetectable), and then go online with their ill-gotten wealth they would have a huge advantage over players who choose not to use third party software. I think the integrity and fairness of the game for the majority of players is worth more than your lost hours.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I kind of agree with the OP, in the way that if the offline save cannot be used on-line they should throw a warning or notification somewhere stating the same instead of letting us waste our time in offline when we want to play with friends.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

OMG im realy tired of this hole economy, cheats and hacks bullshit... dont compare this game with D2 ffs...d2 had competition and ladders, thus it had economy. Its like comparing a finger and a dick.
THIS game dosnt have any of this shit, therefore it also dosnt have are you talking about, what advantage?
There is NO reason to separate a single game into 2, thats what we have right now. Cheaters wont affect you in any way, so nobody should give a shit.
Whats even worse then having basically 2 same games, which cant interact with each other, the online one is broken and the offline one cant even let you local/IP connect/host a game with friends, like tons other games have done before ffs.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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