Personal Overall Review

Expect theese kinda things if u forget what era u live in.

  1. NO SEARCH BY NAME IN SKILL TREE - i have no clue what there is there....cause it seems pretty much retarded in 2020 to manually search each point right?
  2. Just 2 Flask Slots - REALLY BAD IDEEA when a half full Health Potion cannot be used....LOL ?
  3. Flask cannot be used during skill - VERY BAD (ruins fluidity and continous gameplay and seems like its a game from the '80 that cannot manage 2 tasks at once)
  4. ITEMS ARE PRETTY MUCH RANDOMLY SIMPLE to few mods or if it has more, half are trash, If they where the same colors a uniqe, legendary and rare would not be recognisalbe in 75% of times. Make the presumed good items actually good.
  5. The endgame is ATM a wasteland of very very parallel stuff that a hack&slash game need. Building cities ? WOW ? HOMM ?
  6. The MINI MAP is like zoomed out 100 times, make it scale so u know where u are, the player on the map is too big for the map, dunno how to epxlain but if u want to go somewhere by the minimap, u might endup in a wall in the real game world.
  7. The cost of socketing is TO HIGH in comparison to the chances of a good OUTCOME. Took me 250k gold to get 3 Offensive Tier 1 Sockets on a 2h sword.....wWTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ?
  8. Just 40 skills for all the 3 Classes ? I mean...dunno...just sayinn...maybe at least 40 for each class ? Is this Mario or whas the game released without the remainin 10 acts and 75% of the game content ?
  9. Shoulders, Pants and Gloves cannot be socketed.......................................hey GOD wasup...u enjoy creating humans that create stuff like this just to annoy us right ? WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ???
  10. Aspect of apocalypse - thanks for the nice light show - but does no dmg and its very wierd to control...
  11. Skills at level 50 have 16 mofidifer choices of which u can choose 4-5-6 at once...which is a limit that destroyes builds. Add more bonuses to each at least, or twice as more in total, and more available to be chosen.
    11.Crafting system is just an ideea atm....nice one....but just that...
  12. Sadly as of now...i dont see these that can be brought up in a RPG's like it's still in beta....still a demo of what it wants to be.

Who knows maybe in 5 years ill be playing only this is u devs actually played others games that people are playing and maybe...just maybe...try to compete.

Im not a troll, just realistic and straight out. CYA .

Replies: 7

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Ah damn, I forgot to mention the potion thing and mini map thing in my own post! Totally agree - the potions seem to still have something in them, but apparently can't be used? Like, is this an issue of charges? Is it possible to level a skill to use fewer charges at a time, and therefore get more use out of a potion? Either that, or more potion slots.

And the mini map is definitely not scaled properly. I NEVER know where I am, even after many hours of playing! (Meaning I hoped that I would have adjusted to the scale issue by now, but it's still very difficult to tell how close to an edge I am compared to what's showing on the map)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

I'd rate this game a 2/10
I'd rate Diablo 3 a 2/10
I'd rate POE a 5/10

Until I see improvement I'm staying away from this game.

I would have thought that this games endgame would be more unique than Path of Exiles endgame, but its still map running. Why can't a game development company come up with better ideas for endgame than to take from other companies ideas.

This game has same item names as POE, endgame map running like POE, Passive tree like POE, Some of the same skills as POE, This is very disappointing how much a company could steal ideas from another game and yet it's still worse gameplay than POE. 1/3 of this game is fighting monsters while the other 2/3 is running around looking for monsters to kill. Who wants to walk around 2/3 of the game looking for monsters. In Diablo 3 and POE the monsters are in front of your face hacking and slashing, this game fails to be a hack and slash due to the fact of walking around more than half of the game.

Path of Exile replayability isn't there for me either, in POE it's about getting to max level, spamming maps, getting rich, and doing it all over again.

There needs to be a ARPG that allows armour/weapon at a crafting bench after a very difficult boss is killed each encounter. If there was a crafting bench after each boss to craft weapons/armour with certain boss drops I would see an ARPG having more replayability. If every boss required skill to beat the boss and a crafting bench after each boss than the players would feel much more awarded and keep playing the game for crafting and skillful bosskilling.

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

bug - Apocalypse Form can block u in place when changing into or out of it.

i admit the ideea of the game and where it wants to go has a lot of potential, atm they released a demo version of the full game, and want use to test it....lets say i agree to that also....but dont u dare delete progression and make us restart....i want my progression and stash saved....ez...

Until u fix and improve this and add the rest of the acts ill probably play now and then...cause i admit in full graphics with all very high it looks amazing...but crasehs sometimes when to crowded....

Also why are monsters always in same numbers when u find them, and never to close one to another....cause of crowd crash ?

Why isnt there a checkpoint at the "Reach the Genesis" quest betwen the 2 bosses - u dont know how to make the game stupid ? or u like to annoy people until they quit and u remain with the money we paid so we can test ur beta ?

I mean its not enought the the boss fights are still OP even in story mods....u put one after another, or each has more phases....and no checkpoint if u die...WTF ????????????????

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

ANOTHER UPDATE ANOTHER MIDDLE FINGER TO PLAYER _ just let us play one cares about offline.

BUG - while u are adding map mods, if u press anywhere on the pop-up for map mods, but not on something usable, u click on the pillar behind the menu that sends u to a different mission and asks u ok or cancel......

PRESSING RECCONECT NOTHING HAPPENS - restarted steam 5 times....

BTW When will a movement speed bonus flask be available ? That stamina seems to take forever to recharge.

Sometimes ur portal dissapears if u go from waypoing to waypoint after u came back to town with town should be there perma until u use it again to go back through it. period.


I usually use a Health Potion so i dont die...but i have to stop my skills/attacks to do that....annnnd....yueah....thats when i die....same with rage/willpower...its like "lets make it uberly stupid, we just add 2 flask slots, we make them not be able to be used at half full potion, even if logic says it should...and make them not usable during combat (THE THING U DO 80% OF TIME IN GAME AND WHAT THE GAME IS ALL ABOUT) SO WTF ARE FLASKS FOR AGAIN ? so i can use them in town so i can see how a skill acts ?

Add more implicits on all items, like i dunno...,movement speed on every item as a 2nd implicit would be great and at least fair for 2020 when u wanna skip even real life moments cause they are shit and boring and retarded....and u go to escape reality in a virtual game....where u fuckni walk like a snail...

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

You forget about the fact that there is no system inplay to easily swap between a caster and or a melee build or different melee builds even.

In order to do you have to reset everything and start placing points again. thats just to much work.

Also why is there no smart loot? This could simple acheved by letting mostly items depending on what collor you have used most in passive skill tree,

Half of the stats mean nothing as it is not explained anywhere. pilling stats on items doesnt make the loot more interessting tbh. its just lazy

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago


ALSO - IF IT COSTS 1000 Primordial to unskill 50 points....just make it 20 primordial per point ? So i dont have to redo my entire tree cause i might have missclicked and assigned a skill ? or maybe just cause i wanna undo 2 and put in other place....

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Takes 20mins just to relog back, cant go online, cant creat game..CANT CANT CUNTS

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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