Please please introduce a loot Filter

As the title but it really needs to allow common/magic/rare/Legendary/Unique each to either be selected or not, also the 4 different gear types, the many different weapon types as well as uniques.

Would make for a far easier time when you are at the point you need a particular armour type by location then you can switch everything else off and only loot what you actually need then when in town do the maths and sell 99.99% as not an upgrade.

I fully understand that there are many many more pressing issues but if you have staff that are not dealing with bugs / fixes then give them a project :)


Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

You know this feels like an essential upgrade feature, and while I have had this thought in other games, for some reason it hadn't jumped to the forefront of my mind on this one. Not only would it make it quicker and easier to loot, but I am wondering if it would make it easier on the computer since it doesn't have to track and show as many items (less strain).

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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