QOL: Please disable the ability to select/move items via right-click in the Merchant tabs.

One thing that is a minor but consistent annoyance is trying to quickly sell a full inventory full of items, only to have every second or third Right-Click (which is supposed to sell the item) instead select the item and hold it on the cursor.

There doesn't seem to be any practical reason for this, so my suggestion is to completely disable selecting/moving items via Right-Click while in the Merchant Tabs. Instead, always have a Right-Click result in selling the item.

Thanks for your time!

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

yes please. its very annoying to sell using right click then an item just randomly gets selected for drag.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

i would sign this. it doesn't feel good when you have to sell things - which you don't need - by clicking right several times.

so it would be nice - to completely disable selecting/moving items via Right-Click while in the Merchant Tabs.
a button to sell all the white, blue, and yellow stuff (like diablo3) would be nice.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

ABSOLUTELY!! pls fix this

and please, also fix that item descriptions are actually covering and blocking the view of the inventory and mouse position!! Anchor the description dynamically, so that the mouse position is never covered or blocked by an item decription (Diablo does this extremely well..)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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