Save passive talent tree specs

Please implement a in game armory so that we may store "sets" of gear and "talent tree" specs. You already have the capability of "duplicating" spell augmentations for three variations. I ask this because it is not cheap to change "specs" even though playing into one really limits one ability to enjoy and experience your full and awesome game. This will also allow for more access into experimentation of the game because, let's be honest, you made it quite in depth to create a full build.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I don't mind the respec cost honestly; being able to change play-styles that easily has to come with a cost in my opinion. Affinity is farmable really quickly, especially during endgame where you can convert gold into it (10:1 Gold:Affinity). Saving builds is a completely different story though. Having to manually reselect every single point of a memorized build is a pain, and we should definitely be able to save at least 3 different specs.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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