Some additions i would like to see

  1. Resize the minimap since it's way to large and in the way. This one isn't affected my the UI resize setting for some reason.
  2. Toggle to switch off story progression dialog windows that show on the right hand side. I listen to the dialog and don't need these huge popups which block my view.
  3. Have a video clip for each enneract/skill so we know how they look and behave before buying or unlocking them.
  4. When comparing two items, show the difference for each stat as not only what i would gain (+) but also lose by changing. Also, if comparing shoulders or similar, show both left and right equipped, not just one side.
  5. When clearing mini dungeons, why on earth does the reward window popup cover the whole screen when i'm still fighting enemies? I can't see what i'm doing when this thing is in the way.
  6. Some way to matchmake while in the game. Right now i'm forced to log out to the main screen and still the matchmaking doesn't work.
  7. Drag and drop to re-arrange existing skills on the quickbar instead of having to find them in the list first and then drag them. If i just want to swap places with two skills.
  8. Mark new items in the inventory that i haven't hovered my mouse over yet, so i know which ones are new drops.
  9. A way to remove or turn off active buffs like movement speed. I accidently get these from time to time and i don't like running this fast,
  10. An option to have left click not interact with enemies. It happens a ton that i am trying to escape but accidently click on enemies instead. I much prefer having the LMB move the character and SHIFT+LMB attack.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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