Stats contribution to Spell DPS is 0


Played a bit with stats and found no contribution from them to Spell DPS not any DPS at all.

Got 345 lighting from level 30 to 33 regardless the amount of points you add in you character.

Do we realy need to reach 5K stats to have 80% affliction ?

De we really need 5K stat to have 90% critical spells ?

Can we reach those values with 20 points per level ?

I dont know what your plan for the gameplay guys but it seems all wrong from the begining.

Boss tends to have %based attack that transforms into deathtouchs most of the time.
Regardless the HPS or mana shield you have you get 2 rounded.

Thats insane conception and no real gear dropping make this stupid game a stupidier thing..

Well hope you have a plan to make this fun but not sure ill get the patience to see how guys are stupid at deigning this..

And don't forget telling about staves that are just a waste of time.

All i can see is that most of this game is not playable and most of builds are woven to be useless because you guys lacks the generosity to help your players having fun.

Nothing drops, not even a single wear correct, this is just a shame having to make a level again and again to get levels to hope beating the boss.

And not to forget those stupid boss that runs after you endlessly preventing you for rezzing you buddy because rez has a limited time, another stupidity...

Boss have unforgettable amount of attacks that they use right to chain you when you movements ability are soo limitated and you go so easily one rounded.

Dont know what population is goin to play that but hope they have steel nerves, definitively not a game at all ...

My 2 coppers after spending 50 euros to the game and 15 hours hurling to the screen "bullshit, eat sheet"...

Return to dev school guys and make a viable battle system ..

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

ur skill tree gives you % increased crit strike chance.
The skills have a base % crit strike chance.
I currently have 0 ferocity or crit hit chance in my gear and i get to 66% crit strike chance with my havoc orb with ~ 1k ferocity.
Idk why you are crying about getting to 90% crit, easily doable. Not even needed

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Idk why you ppl complain about "gear not dropping".
If you are struggeling for lets say lvl 150 expeditions, just fk go to lower ones?
This is a RPG, you gotta farm ur shit, thats what the game is about.
Its not like CS:GO where you get money for even loosing the round to buy you stuff in the next round.
You can easily gear up for all end content in a total of 50 hours gameplay, even with those immense bugs this game offers.
If your build doesn´t seem to get stronger, MAKE ANOTHER ONE. Try out what deals dmg, test stuff, do some math, check the nodes, idk man just "Do shit" instead of expecting everything to drop off the sky on a silver plate.
If you want to feel like a god go play minecraft creative, mobs dont deal dmg to you there.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

It makes sense that you would encounter a limit. People are doing content which is 60... S I X T Y levels above their character level and complaining because it gets tough? No way??

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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