STATS suggestion for more balancing and better cuztomization of role characters

After lvling 70+ start noticing that some Stats are quite unbalanced and also loose importance, like Ferocity or Agility, it seems not worth enuff even if you want to build a rogue class character. you need to end putting almost all stats points on Toughness. So My sugestion is that each STAT increase more things than just 1 or 2. For example:
Ferocity = increase Critical chance and Critical Dmg ( so it will worth to maybe use a lot of points on it)
Agility = increase Atack Speed and Dodge Evasion and a little of movement speed ?
Toughtness = increase HP and Resistance
Wisdom = increase aliment chance and Elemental dmg ? or willpower

well, i have a another suggestion too but may i will create other trheards with it corresponding tittle,
hope you think about it, and be the way sorry for my english, not my main languaje.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Agility used to provide dodge chance as well but they removed all defensive stats.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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