The scoring system

I've just now played the entire act and had a great time playing!
But, there is something that bothered me while playing and that is the scoring system and the overall stat numbers. Right now, when i get something like +25 Ferocity i have no idea what it means. i dont know what the numbers actually give me. and for instance, the critical score. i had around 300 crit chance score, which translated to about 33% crit chance, but the crit chance goes down each level, and i have no idea how much +50 to crit score actually gives me.
To me these are all a bunch of random numbers that i just ignored with the mindset of "i just need more of that" without really being able to build or plan around the different stats properly because i dont really know what they end up giving me.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

when you open up your Window with detailed information and your attributes list (if i recall correctly "s" and "c") and then spend points in ferocity you will see wich stats increases.
(crit chance, crit damage, average damage will increase).

once you reset (2000 gold) numbers will turn red in the detailed information, this will show you how much you lack with your previous attributes build.

these are best info and translations i can give, feel free to ask more if i was helpfull.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

I know that i can view the raw stats when i want, but what bothers me is that you dont work with the stats. you work with the scores, and the scores are then translated into stats, but you cant tell how much a single score point gives. you just know that "more is better" but its really hard to compare stats just based on looking at an item or a skill point. because you have to take that point or to equip that item to see how it affects your stats and it feels like a meaningless system to me.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

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