Ton of Suggestions - QoL - Bugs - Playability

• Search for Gates of Fate – Allow us to search for keywords in the Gates of Fate window. This search would allow us to find specific skills that we want to add.
• On/Off for Drops – Allow us to have “on” the drops option so that we can see what we want to pick up instead of us having to trigger it.
• Please fix the “Story” vs. “End Game” mode. It still gets stuck from time to time.
• Give us a “Hide” option for online mode. We may not always want to team, even with our friends.
• Search for Inventory – Specific item names and item types as well as item stats
• Wings of Ishmir has a problem with stairs and only gives us half distance or none at all.
• The “News” on the Welcome Screen doesn’t allow us to scroll. This should be fixed and default to the latest news.
• Make health bars different colors between player characters and NPCs.
• More gold. Very simply put, you need to add more gold to the game and maybe even gold gear to farm for gold. Either way, we need more gold. I don’t want to play for a week to earn enough gold to do one quest.
• In the End Game “Town Menu,” please change the Cancel/Start Project buttons. The button is in the same place and is the same color, and when going fast, you can accidentally cancel a project when you wanted to start one.
• We should be able to level the default left-click skills.
• Faster right-click rate in the stash. I’m so tired of trying to sell or transfer something between stashes only to find that somehow I moved it. Even better would be making it so that the right click doesn’t move items at all.
• Let us combine gems. If this is already in the game, I haven’t found it.
• Please fix the comparison items screens, at least 25% of the time; the second item won’t show up to compare stats.
• Fix why certain people cannot see each other online
• Fix monsters generating on a map where you cannot get to them. Especially maps where the objective is to kill all the elites with a star but they generate on top of a dungeon entrance or in a blacked out area of the map so you cannot finish or go back to town.
• Have a fog of war on the map. as we discover/explore some of it, remove the fog of war so we know where we've been already.
• Fix skill/spell casting so it reacts quicker. Having to hold down the key for more than a second for it to go off just gets us killed constantly. Sometimes clicking it 5 or 6 times in a row in a fight before it actually goes off.
• Have a chance at different uber bosses to kill with the memento rather than only one and let all party members participate in the fight instead of a single player being able to enter the portal and only be able to claim loot once the battle ends.
• PLEASE...stop nerfing skills to the extreme...don't go from OP to useless by fear of breaking the game..
• If you do change skills in a major way, allow us to reset the tree for free. Each time I need to try and work out a new build, reset my skills and my points and it costs a lot. I'm constantly broke because of it. Very annoying...
• We also want to see more specific stats...Especially on skills and the passive tree. Saying skill does more damage is not a number. How can we compare which one to use if we don't have the specifics? and where's the cumulation number of our cooldown reduction? It's a very important stat. It should be in there somewhere.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I second this post, but would like to add:

Latency issue in team play

Crashing in team or solo play (Memory leak? sometimes it seems like maps are stacked on top of one another after going from map 1 to map 2,)

stop nerfing, fix the bugs and issues of gameplay (crashing), teamplay (Latency), and story (road block) first, because these are the core of any game and what will keep players playing and interested. If your foundation is cracked or broken, you dont fix things from the top, you fix things at its root first and then start fixing things to make the game better. Right now, Wolcen is a broken toy, fix the toy first, and then fix the items that comes with the toy, then you can add more stuff to the toy without breaking it more.

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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