Trading: Why it is detrimental

Being able to trade can initially seem like a good idea, but I'll list some reasons why it can be detrimental to a game and I'll offer suggestions for a better alternative.

Why trading is a bad idea:
1. Allowing the best items in the game to be traded requires the drop rate of those items to be extremely low in order to ensure that those items do not become too common. But, having such a low drop rate prevents players from finding the items they need. Instead, they end up selling almost every great item that they find (because it doesn't fit their build) and then buying every item that they need for their build. In other words, almost every item that a player ends up using will have been purchased rather than found.
2. Trading requires players to constantly spam trade chat or leave the game in order to use 3rd party web sites or applications (unless the game has a robust auction house). The gameplay in Wolcen looks awesome so that is how players should be spending their time.
3. Flipping items is magnitudes more efficient at accumulating wealth and power than killing mobs if a game allows unrestricted trading. So, you can either spend your time flipping items in order to acquire the best items in the game, or play the game as intended and be left behind.
4. Finding a powerful item that is tradable can feel like a chore rather than a moment of excitement. Trading the item requires you to leave the game in order assess the value of the item, spam trade chat for an extended period of time or list the item on some 3rd party web site, stop what you are doing once a buyer is found in order to trade the item, and then hope that you didn't get ripped off because you underestimated the value of the item. Now imagine having to do this several times per gaming session and you see the problem.
5. Assessing the value of items can be extremely complicated and time consuming, resulting in many players getting exploited by more experienced traders or price fixing schemes.
6. Many players lash out at other players when they disagree about an item's price. This often creates a toxic experience when buying or selling items, especially for new or casual players.
7. Games like Wolcen are all about acquiring awesome items. Trading makes that process annoying (e.g., trade chat spam), rather than challenging (e.g., killing difficult mobs).
8. Unrestricted trading inevitably makes a game pay-to-win through 3rd party services and can cause chat channels to be flooded with spam from those 3rd party services.
9. Unrestricted trading can provide an incentive to hack other players' accounts in order to steal and then sell their items. If no items can be traded, then there isn't much reason to hack a player's account.

Here are some reasons for why it can seem beneficial to implement trading:
1. Ensure that all powerful items are valuable to the player, even if the item isn't an upgrade or doesn't work with their build.
2. Provide a way for "unlucky" players to acquire the items that they need for their build, especially unique items.
3. Allow a way for other players to give you their awesome loot.

Suggested alternatives to trading:
1. Allow players to "feed" legendary and unique items that they don't need to some other legendary item. Feeding a legendary item causes that legendary item to gain experience and become more powerful. Feeding a legendary item with experience to some other legendary item gives all of the source legendary item's experience to the destination item, plus the base experience of the source item. This ensures that all legendary and unique items will be valuable to a player, even if they are not useful for the player's build.
2. Allow unique items to be broken down or disenchanted in to a special type of currency or crafting mats that can be used to buy or craft a unique item that the player needs for their build. This system would require the player to break down several (e.g., 3 - 10) unique items in order to acquire the specific unique that they need, but it would ensure that "unlucky" players have a way to eventually get the required unique.
3. I know it can be nice to have somebody else give you their loot. But, it is often far more gratifying and prestigious to have an awesome set of gear that every player knows you earned on your own.

My hope is that Wolcen will disable trading at launch and then implement alternative systems in the future.

Replies: 17

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

While I can understand some of your points when it comes to trading i have to say i completely disagree with the idea of not having trading in any ARPG much less one with so much potential. Trading is the backbone of social interaction in almost every ARPG. What you are really promoting is a solo self found style game with no real social interaction and zero reason to. That sounds completely unfun to me.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the feedback, but I'm sure that the Wolcen community could think of much better ways to promote social interaction that don't depend on trading.

"Trading is the backbone of social interaction in almost every ARPG."
That is a very strong claim. Can you please explain? Over 90% of the players that I've traded with in other games leave the group before I can even type a "thank you". It seems that the vast majority of players want to spend their time killing mobs rather than trading. The few players who do make comments are typically more toxic than social.

I also don't understand why you think it is "unfun" to find your own loot. Do you enjoy spamming trade chat, being forced to use 3rd party web sites, stop what you're doing whenever somebody wants to buy one of your items, etc.? This is a sincere question ... I don't understand how anybody would think that is fun. Is it just what other ARPGs have done in the past so you associate those activities with ARPGs in general?

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

If you dont want trading and want boring loot to rain from the sky by the dozen that is only beneficial to your build go play diablo3. Most people coming to this game are hardcore arpg diablo2 and poe fans. Trading was a part of every successful arpg it makes for more to do at endgame and makes loot feel good when you find a good or rare drop. No trading or with heavy restriction is boring to 90% of arpg fans. The end.

(Edited 4 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

With all due respect for your thoughts and efforts Muktuk - I strongly disagree. I despise cookie-cutter drop systems where the game is artificially helping you by dropping "relevant" items. It feels a lot more one-dimensional loot wise.

On top of that, disabling trading is feeling ridiculously restricting.

The good, by far, outweighs the bad here, in my opinion.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Gotta say Muktuk, While you have a few good points (5 and 8 are of concern to me) most of them I disagree with entirely When a great piece of loot drops even if it is not for my build I instantly think Oh wow haven't seen that yet wonder if I can trade it for something I need and I get excited and go look for advise of other players and this encourages social interaction sure some times I will get sold sort but thats okay its part of the learning experience and I can't tell you how many times in D2 a conversation started with "which build you using this with? oh have you tried this or that" and a discussion about tactics and strategy ensue. Of course a game where there is interaction between people there are always gonna be toxic people no matter what you do but I rather be able to be social and ignore toxicity then just hammer it alone like your suggesting.

As for the 3rd Party Issue that is up to Wolcen to combat as this is a problem in MANY good multiplayer games.

(Edited 4 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Exactly ^, if you find something not for your build you either keep it and save it for a different character you wanna make or you trade it for something you do need. Maybe you make a new character because you found a godly piece you wanna build around. Games with Diablo3 style loot are boring af and most people don't enjoy it. The loot is a major aspect of any great arpg and If you copy d3 itemization/loot then guaranteed this game won't last long. Most people are here and excited because of crap games like that, and do not wan't a depthless boring repetitive experience.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

solo self found isnt for me, its boring as stated above. No trading would be insane, and I wouldnt play this if that was the case.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

No trading doesn't imply that it is easier to get awesome loot. In fact, trading almost guarantees that it is way too easy for players to get optimal loot which is another reason for why I'm against that system. I want a system that requires thoughtful builds and reasonable skill to get the best loot, rather than being able to simply buy it from somebody else. I agree that "cookie-cutter drop systems" are poor which is why I never suggested that approach.

I still feel that the negatives of trading greatly outweigh the positives, but how about something like this:
Allow players to enable "self found" mode (not "solo self found" mode) in which case they would get a boost to their magic find, but players would be unable to trade any items that dropped while self found mode was enabled. The intent would be to set the magic find boost such that self found mode was somewhat comparable to trading in regards to efficiency, although I would expect trading to still make it much easier to get near-perfect items. That way players who love to trade can still do so, but players who dislike trading wouldn't feel forced to deal with the issues that I listed in my OP. Self found and non-self found players could group together and self found mode could be toggled on or off at any time.

In other words, let the players decide. It wouldn't be perfect or address all of the issues with trading, but perhaps it would be much better than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

That would be fine by me, but without toggling on or off because ppl would just abuse the bonus magicfind and then shut it off to trade, if you choose self found then that is what you are until you make a non self found character.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Thanks Twoshotz. Actually, the system could not be abused as you describe because any items that drop while self found mode was active could never be traded, even if you subsequently turn self found mode off. Similarly, any items that drop while self found mode was off could always be traded, even if you subsequently turn self found mode on.

An advantage of being able to toggle self found mode on or off after character creation is that then you could turn self found off while grouping with friends, but then turn it on while soloing. Not something I would do, but I expect that some players might like that flexibility.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Yeah I think that is a great idea, and then everyone can be happy, I like trading in games and some people don't so why not. PoE does this with a SSF only option. I think its fair to all.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

A good compromise could be for there to be a system similar to PoE, where SSF is an option that players can choose to opt-in to. I wouldn't force it on the entire playerbase though, for the reasons described above.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Thanks all for the feedback. Much appreciated!

I also think it is important to ensure that there is some use for legendaries and uniques that aren't an upgrade for a player, such as being able to "feed" those items to other legendaries as I described earlier.

Hopefully the Wolcen team will consider what we've discussed in this thread.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

I agree with both sides. In PoE, I will make characters in SSF and gen. pop. as well. I actually hope that Wolcen devs will appease both sides and make a SSF mode for people that like to discover on their own, and have an open trade option as well.
I don't like playing the trade houses, but I do like having the option to buy a piece or two here and there when I've been sitting on irrelevent gear for awhile.
I like the alternatives Muktuk suggested if a SSF mode were available, or maybe even to the game itself. Feeding high level gear to a shop or to relevent gear is certainly something the devs could/should implement or at least experiment with.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

I noticed that "Auction House (Gold, no real money)" is quite popular on the Wolcen Community Suggestions site (

An in-game auction house with a robust set of search filters would eliminate issues 2, 4, 6 and 7 in my original post (and help with issue #5) so that would be a good option as well. GGG's trade website for PoE is the best example I know of for how to make a good set of search filters for an ARPG, although the search filters should be integrated with an in-game auction house in order to avoid several of the issues that are associated with a game that only allows player-to-player trading.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Trading will kill this game faster than it took Jesus to respawn.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

I like the idea of being able to trade/buy using in game gold with a group you are playing with or friends (when the loot drops it has a timer for allowable time to trade). Otherwise trading just becomes the "end-game."

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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