Tweak to UI


been enjoying the game and waiting for live release very much.
Some suggestions from me would be around UI.
1. Since a lot of builds will be and are focused on stat building (resist stacking, crit or dmg stacking depending on the build) would be nice if we could choose what stat to drag to some sort of quick view. Right now it is not very convinient to have the character info window open since it takes more then half of screen.
IT would act like sort of add on in for example World of warcraft but it would be build in feature. I would really like to have this implemented.
2. Make HP bar(in our case HP circle :D ) more visible and more informative or somehow improve it since almost any higher dificulty oneshots us now so it is really hard to react and notice any health changes since everything happens quite fast.
3. Also would be nice to make unique and legendary items stand out by either glowing very differently or showing them on map that they have dropped. Now they glow very similar to yellow items.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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