Bricked my build?

So I guess I didn't read the passive tree that well but I was building a Damage over time fire mage and one of the shaper passive skills applies stacks back onto which you then can get rid of after applying so many to mobs. But I just die instantly now and I can't farm to respec beacuse well I just die. Any advice on this? or am I just big dummy for doing it?

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

Pickup a different weapon and do what you can to farm skills, keep using them and then use the affinity to reset your skills.

If you are offline, you can do this easily by modifying the game file.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You likely also have the passive that double your force shield and reduces you max life. But did not grab the passive that makes ailment deal damage to force shield before life. So you your reflected burn is melting your non-existent life.
If you're playing online you can start another character to farm up some eneracts and put them in the stash for your other character to consume to respec.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Had a similar problem with this talent. As for a solution, I'm sure it's a bug, but if you just spin the last tier you actually still get the buffs but never receive the debuffs. Either way spinning the last tier so that it is detached will prevent you from nuking yourself so you can farm enough to mod your build.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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