New patch = new build needed

Since todays patch killed the Bleeding edge build, does anyone recommend a good 2h build?

Replies: 8

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

A thing of this beautiful game is to think about your own dream build and then you can use our possibility. Have Fun


I give you one Tip: "Take a Chain and play with it, but beware, it heals a bit, but if you hang yourself ,it not cares!"

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

debating which other skill could replace it, without effecting my current build to much. with the cooldown added after the patch i cant use my rage quick enough to gain the willpower i need.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

BE is not dead ... we (friend and i) just did an exp 172-174 and it's still viable. He played without the 4sec duration rune and he said that it was still retarded. I know he is not a prophet but i tried myself and the output is still strong. (between 600k & 1m for me) Since lightning is fixed we run 7 ailments and the run goes smoothly (except last boss Regen/Elem&material shields, Tough, Fast blablabla)

He just removed the nerfed rune. Keep the +1s duration. But i agree, your willpower will not regen as faster as it was before. Still that does the job.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Lol. its not just the rune thats nerfed. the entire skill dropped 90% dmg.
atm its impossible to progress above 127 (atleast for me sinse i just did this specc last night to be able to progress some).

the crit over all nerf kiles alot of other builds. and 90% of all the buils is just way to weak to do any dmg. yea you can be tanky but you deal no dmg so the bosses grind you down anyway. or you can be a glass cannon... or well youcould. sinse crit nerf yourjust glass.

i imagen its easyer when youre playing multiplayer to progress... but newsflash. there is no multiplayer in this game unless you have a dedicated partner to play with.

but i you are all mighty and skilled player reading this. dont just got "youre bad play a proper build"... then frecking show me one that can actualy work. i played a bow build until i hit a wall at 97. then i had to play bleeding edge sinse any form of range build with bows or pistols are so weak its just stupid. champions one shot you. bosses just farst and you die. this game didnt need bleeding edge to be killed. it needed other speccs to be viable.

with my curent gear i did 1-5milion crits with bleeding edge. now i do 50k-90k crits. less dmg = less life leech= bosses kill you easy now.

endgame is suposed to be chalangeing yea. but not impossible unless you have the verry best gear and the verry best meta build.

why have a massive skil tree if 90% of the things you can do is utterly usless and wont help you progress.

i want to play a bow build. but thats crap. ppl keep saying they are running 140+ expeditions with there builds. but noone is posting there build OR have te guts to post what items they managed to get before the nerf.

ill give thi game 1 more week. and if its still broken and noway to progress, well lets say that i wont recomend it to anyone and ill fight for a refund. i coul stand the thousands of bugs cause even tho BE was OP it could get me higher to farm gear for the specc i really wanted o play. now that they killed it. there is nothing that makes me want to play. a game hat is incomplete with to many bugs its insane. that you cant progress in... whts the point.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I had the same thing; wanted to play bow, did no damage, switched to BE.
Now BE has been struck by the NERFhammer so i am looking for a viable 1.0.5 build.
So if anyone has a decent build (i am not on endgame yet: lvl 70 runs atm with a lvl 62 char).
I had no luck yet finding a nice one.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Just don't share more builds please.... They gonna nerf all what can do max lvl maps.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You have to keep in mind that Bleeding Edge was not "viable" it was an exploit. It's still strong compared to many builds but no builds were supposed to be as strong as it was before so high end maps will be tougher in general. If anything, it might need another small nerf to be on par with other skills OR buff all other skills to be close to its power.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

ill keep sticking to my havoc turret gun mage build. clears 120s with ease. with a bit more gear replaced, should have no issues.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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