Seeking Progression help

Hi Team,

I am currently level 74 pushing exp 140 with a summoner ailment build. Can someone please recommend a strong solo build that will easily progress to 187? I am finding the summoner build just doesn't push enough numbers at this point. I can push higher but it just feels lack luster at this point. I've attempted a BE melee build at the same level but it lacks survivability as the summoner build shares damage across all my summons / I don't have the trial belt. I have a 2h with 5% weapon damage for leech but i don't seem to put out enough numbers when it comes to a boss to stay alive and my HP is over 70k for the BE build.

Thanks for the advice :)

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Gameplay

I went from 50k to 100k life and 7-10k Resi. Then everything went easy mode.

Mainproblem: find good loot.

Less Famous players suggest, that we have to farm lvl163 tainted runs.

I tried to upgrade yellow items and every time i got a bad item. Most of the good items still have 2 useless attributes.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Try anything without ailments and you won't even make 140.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

That's why skills using in pure dmg builds (phys/others) with no ailments should be buffed and/or remodeled.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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