Edric killing me

I have not been able to beat Edric. I think this is still act one?
I am not sure he is in the Core. I can get through his Phase 1 alright, but Phase 2 it's like I cannot get near him without getting my shit wrecked.
Any idea what level I should be at this point? I am currently level 23 and I am thinking maybe I should be a higher level.

The other question I have is I have a bunch of way points on the map but there are gold spots where I assume waypoints should be in between the waypoints I have. Are there actually waypoints I am missing or is this just how the game looks?

Replies: 7

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

He takes a bit of practice and attention.
You need to learn witch moves kill you fast and dodge them.
I've been experimenting with different character types just to see which I enjoy most, post release, going through the Edric fight with each of them.
So far I've beaten him with duel swords, dual pistols, and Infinity Blades. I gave up on two handed weapons because I just don't like the pace and animations. I spent so much time in the assorted alpha and beta releases as sword and board and magic dps that I really don't have much intrest in playing one now.
On all of them the trick remained dodge, heal, strike, repeat as nessisary. If you have a nice companion type summon, use it. DoT's and AoE's help a LOT. Don't neglect your defensive abilities, especially Resistances. Have a good Block and/or Dodge score, if you can get it. Sword and Board should be, over all, the easiest way to win this fight. Infinity Blades was pretty easy, too, with a staff, so I had a good ranged attack available when I needed to keep my distance, and that spell that places a healing circle on the ground.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, this fight is kicking my ass too. I've gone through four different build iterations and the third phase is just impassable. His 'Boss Moves' just refresh too fast to recover from before the next one is hitting you. I've got as much resistance as I can find, focusing mostly on fire but with good elemental res, all res, or fire res on my gear the mouseover shows all of them to be extremely low % despite having crazy high numbers.

They need to either slow down the refresh on the whirlwind or make hit a LOT less hard.

Seems like they only really want ONE build capable of dealing with him - Damage over Time or stunlocking. All other builds they want players to trash quickly.

Or simply quit, period.
Facerolling players transitioning from other games will just send them back to those games and make them forget Wolcen as a bad copycat.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

So, Edric ... he's a bit of a tricky bugger.

As a mage I tried to keep my distance to him, and in Phase 3 he just leapt on me all the time.
Curiously, his weak point is if I stayed in Melee range of him, and tried to keep on his backside.

Rock Paper Shotgun has an excellent guide on how to kill him :

I highly recommend reading it !

On a sidenote, if you play as a mage, the Anomaly Spell is excellent.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Thanks everyone!
I will revisit this dude today and try to wipe the floor with him.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

he is tough, but it is doable. I did it by pumping a lot of my points into Toughness. it helped a lot. Just a matter of learning the mechanics and not getting anxious and rushing it. kill ads, hit boss, avoid attacks, repeat. that is how i did it. AOE helps. Good luck :)

Edit- one more thing. I just thought of what my friend did. He used Livor Mortis to attract aggro and attack from a distance with the staff. There are multiple ways to do it.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Just outlevel him... seriously ...

I couldnt even get close killing him trying for like 2h.
Just run the halls a few time gain 3 or 4 more levels and good gear, level your skills. It makes the fight trivial.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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