Group difficulty (potential spoiler)

Hello fellow Justicars(As**)!

So we finished the game last night with a friend(all 3 acts), just before the server shutdown, or probably during the server shutdown lol hopefully we won't have to kill that last bloody boss that took me nearly 30 mins and was close to give me an epilectic crisis hahaha #joke
Anyway question is, what is the difficulty modifier while playing in group ? (Bosses with more HP?DMG?ADDS?)
We've duo everything from day 1 pretty nicely, but the final boss of each act is pretty f****** hard without even talking about all the bugs while killing them hahahaha.
I wad wondering if there was a higher difficuly while being in a group? (other than having a single life and if your friend can't rez you in time yo dead, game over)
If not then good luck to you all finishing the game, anyway with this server maintenance today things will probably change and get better, probs a little easier.
Glad to say I managed to finish all three acts in less than 48h pre launch with all the connection issues and in game bugs/glitchs!

To finish this post: haven't had that much fun in years playing a game. Congrats to the devs and all the team probably working their asses off today to fix as much as they can. We cleared your bugged game in 20h of hellish fun. Can't wait to play the Endgame content on a more stable and corrected version of it!!

No matter the odds !

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

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