HELP Is there any SACRED build that can actually go past Expedition lvl 127?

HELP Is there any SACRED build that can actually go past Expedition lvl 127? I mean I have 2100+ resistances and im still getting 1 shot by all the bosses even, I really have NO idea if 2100+ resistances is much but I saw in youtube people that has 1400+ resistances getting to Expedition lvl 150 or so, HOW?

Any tips would be appreciated. Thank you.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Gameplay

Most likely it depends on your build and other stats as health or force shield.
I am a lvl 67 melee, currently doing exp at 90 with 8k res. But it's hard to die that way.

So if getting oneshot is your problem it has nothing to do with the skills. Maybe you could share more informations about your build/passives/equipment for further help.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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