Hud comfort -> combines classes

Hey WolCenGame you´re done a fantastic job as yet.

It would be a pleasure to get the Option, Comfort HUD Modus, back.

First Step Its all about your first impression about Health, Resource Overview.

I feel very comfortable with a Globus Health in the middle Center. Never out of my eyes if my Charakter s in trouble.
Also the Resource management. On the left Tab Will, on the right one Wut.
With this you donts see just barley whats happening. With this older Version you see instant how many Resource are traveling, in what tempo, too.
With this you can comfortable planing your Attributes, Skills and Modifications, to doeing a better job or neither.

Yesterday I was playing a WarmUp. As i found a Katalyst i feel like heaven, cause there it was. I can be a true Battlemage.
After testing it for a half hour well, all know its difficulty to play it with new regular HUD [Life + Resource - HUD] a combined class. Ff you can barley see how your Resources workin, its very hard., For ex, at what time can I do mi next Spell, in what way do my Attributes, Skills and Modifiers doeing a better Resource travelling. On what time i can take in my next Skillbomb.
Also with maximum Hud size its really hard to play a Battlemage like, now.

So, please WolcenGame Crew give us the possibility to choose between the new regular one and the first impression Globus-Shield,- Healthpower and comfort Resource overlook. Do the Health back in the Center and give the stash back to for Resources. With big Arrows, in comfort seeing whats switching.
I call it combined class Comfort Modus. Old impression Hud.
I hope you will give us your first impression as an option, like#,

Step Two is more about combined classes with a simple idea.
Maybe its still Ingame.
It would be a pleasure if you give us the possibility to become an Item like a Katalysator, implemented in a Juwel, a Ring or as an Attribute modifier on an Item. A kind of Weapon Slot to combine Pistols with a Shield, Armlet or Weapon lookin cool an give more Option of Charakterdevelopment, too.

With this it is possible to play for ex, a Battlemage with a Shiled and Sword or a fat Doublehand Axe, or a someone who play with to Swords and do fireing his gun from his modified Armlet. Its no magic and a real possible to bring it in real development. :-D

Thank you,
Thomas "WhyJu"

If you feel the same way, do a short post please.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

ID for more Options with combined classes.

The Idea is about "new" Weapon Slots in fewer Updates.
Like a Slot on the Item for Pistols Katalysator and maybe Small Bows
Armlet (Pistoler) ,
Amulett (Katalysator)
Shield (Pistol, Katalysator, small Bow's)

With this your Wolcen Players can do their favorite ClassBuilds even better.
A Battlemage with Sword and Shield or a Two-handed Blade.
A Pistolero with two Axes who fires his Bullet from mechanic Armlet.
Or a Guy with a Big Shield what also have a Bow in his construction implemented.

Legendary or Unique Item possibility^s for the best future of you Baby, Wolcen¨.

Greetings Thomas "WhyJu" Busche

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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