What is the difference between Offline and Online mode

So im hoping someone from Wolcen developers will clarify this.
What is the difference from Offline and Online mode? Beside the obvious playing with friend, im just wondering if playing offline will have the exact same content of online, because considering the inability to login, the constant disconnections and servers issues i am going just to skip online all together, and play it later on when everything is fixed.

Can someone explain the difference?

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Gameplay

In Online mode, your character is saved on the server side and you can play co-op with friends or other people.

In Offline mode, you character is saved locally on PC and you cannot play offline characters in online mode. Offline mode allows you also to play without any internet connection which is convenient for those who are traveling for example and want to kill time when commuting.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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