What is the point of offline mode if we can never use those characters online?

Seriously, what is the reason for putting an offline mode in the game if your progress offline cannot be merged with your online saved character?

I've been supporting and playing Wolcen since the Alpha days and have always said great things about the game - because it is a great game - but one thing that always irked me was not the ability to take my offline character and play with it online.

For people who live in countries that are far from your servers, an ARPG with a 200ms ping makes the game very hard to enjoy, as pretty much everything will oneshot you if that's your build's weakness (glass cannon) and you can't time your movement skills and dodges as you should be able to. This is why I play offline mode, because there I don't have ping issues that cause me to die, and I can enjoy the game's singleplayer aspects.

But I would love to take my offline character and play online with my friends sometimes, even with our terrible ping in South Africa to EU the multiplayer action is great fun.

Please guys, I'm sure there's room in the scope to consider making offline character sheets merge with online character sheets when going online? Please make it so!

Thanks for the hard work and dedication thus far guys and gals, you've accomplished something amazing after so many years, now lets fine tune this baby into the best ARPG out there shall we?

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

Seriously, you ever heard of hacking? Go look it up. Do you honestly think that people won't modify their game files and use it for online use and sell the best possible gear in the game? Go do more research on modding offline game files.

Offline game mode is stored on personal computer, and can easily modify game files.

Online game files are stored on secured database within game company, and can't modify game files unless in the database.

Thats like taking the offline files in your computer and storing them in a companies computer. Do you think they would allow that?

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Plus it's good for days like this (servers down). Means you can still play the game even, for whatever the reason is, you can't play online.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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