Online server status

Hello everyone,

After applying a hotfix last friday, users reported that their characters were missing, their stashes emptied, and their endgame progression wiped.

Immediately, we took the decision to shut down servers to prevent this from happening to a large amount of players while we find a way to fix it.

This issue was caused by a too large amount of requests leading the database to drop. We contacted our partners and looked for a solution with them, but that implied rolling back to a previous save of the database shortly before the hotfix.

Since then, we are working with our partners to restore the database and merge it with the current one, while fixing the issues that caused these incidents.

Unfortunately, other complications appeared in the process that led us to continuously push back the ETAs we provided for the resolution of the situation, and we're still working hard to fix these issues and make sure that the game works properly Online, which can still take some time.

Know that we're aware of other issues, including issues impacting the game's economy, and we're also working on them.

We want to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and to assure you that we're working around the clock to fix everything and ensure that you will have a pleasant experience when the Online mode comes back.

We will keep you informed on the evolution of the situation.

Replies: 150

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Announcements

Good luck guys ! We believe in the team ! Ask Owlcen to fix it :p

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Thank you for the update guys! Beautiful game by the way!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Good luck! I cross my fingers :)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

pathetic, refund requested on steam

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

any idea when we will be able to play online

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

They dont know either, could be this evening, could be tomorrow, could be in 2 weeks...
if they had a solution and a plan they would name us a time to be able to play online again..
Just pretend they said it will be possible to play online again in one full week, seems realistic and prevents you from being dissapointed.....again

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Foda que até no offline esta sumindo o personagem depois de sair do Wolcen e voltar, ele ja não esta mais la no perfil tendo que iniciar tudo de denovo, sinceramente estou bem frustrado com o jogo que esperar ser muito bom... mas em fim...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You got this Dev's i trust you can get this game running it's a awesome game played it for some hours now <3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Ihr schafft das . Bis jetzt ein gutes Spiel

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I think that the most pathetic people are those who complain constantly without knowing what it is to launch a video game, without having any notion of development. These are the most pathetic people. Which spends their time criticizing, lashing out. You are pathetic, you who have no notion of launching a video game on a global scale! I'm sorry for you, really. Good luck to you, the Wolcen team! It is a good thing to shut down the servers to understand the impact of the issues. Good luck !! I look forward

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I would hate to have my online character wiped. I have found a unique item that i do not want to lose as well as many other people i'm sure

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

comprei o jogo no lançamento, cheguei do trabalho doido pra jogar e o jogo não funciona, achei que hoje "DOMINGO" poderia jogar um pouco, mas nada funciona, bem decepcionante. espero que consigam resolver logo esses problemas!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Cut them some slack. It's a small team making their first ever game. Not everything goes as planned in life. You guys act like you just dropped your life savings on a cure to an illness you will die from tomorrow and got screwed. Patience is a virtue, folks.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Cut them some slack. It's a small team making their first ever game. Not everything goes as planned in life. You guys act like you just dropped your life savings on a cure to an illness you will die from tomorrow and got screwed. Patience is a virtue, folks.

dunfeeja Original Comment

No, people just want to play game they paid .Thats all.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Nur eine Frage: kann es sein dass ihr erst jetzt anfängt Fehler zu beheben von dennen IHR eigentlich schon lange gewusst habt?!
So in der Art: lass mal gleich auch die anderen Fehler mitbeheben weil sowas werden die Leute e nicht merken!!!
So lange kann ne ´´normale´´ Server Wartung niemals dauern wenns nur um Profile und verbindungsprobleme geht.
Da steckt bestimmt mehr dahinter glaube ich und IHR wollt es nur nicht zugeben.....
So kommts mir langsam vor.......

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Honestly, you need to cut your losses and just wipe the online DB and start over on one that can handle the requests volume, while simultaneously patching out the game ruining bugs in your code (like magic-find stacking, etc).

People will be fine with having to start over as long as it means getting to play sooner, and you'll avoid the eruption of negative feedback you'll get from reinstating a DB version where ppl who have exploited bugs get to retain their gains.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I cross my fingers to make it work today! :)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

A major mistake that the Wolcen team made was to call this "release" even though they are a small team, they had no previous experience launching a game, and they had no beta testing of the current version of the game.

Calling Feb. 13th "open beta" and saying that Feb. 27th was "release" would have been an easy way to manage players' expectations. Unfortunately, now the reviews for this game have plummeted on Steam. Hopefully that will change once everything is working because this game looks great.

Best of luck Wolcen team!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

When the issues started i was actually mocking people for raging about it, but not even having a plan on what causes their issue (they only describe it put they don't know what causes it) or how to fix it after 48+ hours is quite a hard fail.
And lets be honest it is not the first fail, I mean they had a release day for month, shortly before the actually release they put it back 2 weeks,
then you cant play on release day, then the servers die completely for a yet to be determined time (longer than 2 days) .
Each of those is a fail to be sure ... each one can happen in life .... but do you honestly have to stumble over every freaking stone on the road?

The game has to many mayor fails for going through a player tested open alpha and beta phase.
Best example are the flying wannabe bats, who worked perfectly fine before the release but suddenly can't be hit without aoe.

I sill think Wolcen has the potential to be a great game, but we are approaching the point where all the potential in the world just isn't worth the hassle.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

After a bit of searching I agree with aeonabyss that Wolcen should just wipe the online DB and let us start over.

Making us wait for days so they can restore a DB that was only active for a short period of time and full of gear from exploits doesn't make a lot of sense, even though I'm sure that some players will be disappointed.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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