Always full Game Crash directly after Expedition!

Directly after I finished an expedition and being in town again, when I move a few steps, the game is crashing. But only when I move. As long as I remain still, nothing happens. It happened like 100 times so far.

I tried every setting. VSYNC (and without). Fullscreen, Borderless, super low graphics, etc etc...
I am using Win7 (GTX 9800, i7).

Replies: 6

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

It's not your computer good sir it is (Trashcan Lords of Trashes) since the pro 1.0.7 patch quick fix it all went to flames "Give those devs that tought of adding a patch after another patch 1 medal for the most retarded people ever" so it's not your pc it only is shitty work from the devs that already got money from people and they are taking their time to fix it regardless

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

If you are using the skill Solarfall try remove it from your skill bar. thats what was making me crash after every expedition

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

If you are using the skill Solarfall try remove it from your skill bar. thats what was making me crash after every expedition

Paulo Original Comment

Yeah, I am using it OMG...
Are you serious? So after expedition, shall I remove it and then switching back?? Jeeeez :D

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I tried. Its not Solar Fall. Must be something else...
Still the same issue. I finished an expedition and moving a few steps in town and booooom, game crashing...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Consider yourself lucky!

I've got this bug EVERYTIME I move a few steps in town after an expedition BUT I also have a freeze that force me to reboat the game 9 times out ou 10 while I'm fighting the final boss of an expedition !!! That's why I always do like 12 times a freaking level to unlock the next one... Imagine the time it takes!!!! And yeah, I'm also using the solarfall.
So yeah you're pretty lucky since you can "confirm" your expedition unlike me... It's driving me crazy, I've already ragequited a few times... It virtually forbid me to progress since I can't finish the level I'm in. I'm for the moment stuck farming the same level because I can't progress. But how long will I keep playing? Not long because without expedition, there's nothing left in the endgame.

And for any dev who might step by here, I wrote a similar topic about those freeze/crashes in french:

Don't hesitate to comment my topic too so they can see that several people are concerned by the same issues...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, I am using it OMG...
Are you serious? So after expedition, shall I remove it and then switching back?? Jeeeez :D

SMerlin Original Comment

No. you have to remove the skill, I mean by that don't use it at all. keep it far away from you skill bar.
If you use it and remove at the end of the expedition it still crashes.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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