Dual Daggers Damage calculation is off (or grossly underpowered?)

The dual daggers damage calculation seems to be off, based on checking the Average Damage description.

I've been playing this character mostly with one dagger and one sword/mace/axe equipped but recently found a powerful dagger to replace my equipped one handed axe.

To my surprise, the average damage dropped nearly 300 points in the description, but I tested my character out using the dual daggers and I am quite confident that the new, powerful dagger has increased and not decreased my damage output. The following 4 screenshots demonstrate the bug:

https://postimg.cc/xcdfs6jW - Dual Daggers Attack Description
https://postimg.cc/rzjyCBT1 - Dual Daggers Equipped
https://postimg.cc/pp123Kpy - Dual Weapons Attack Description
https://postimg.cc/mPJg17sK - Dual Weapons Equipped

It's quite confusing to see the average damage drop so sharply - perhaps this is not a bug and dual wielding daggers is really under powered - but as far as I can tell I'm doing more damage to mobs and enemies with both daggers equipped.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

That's not a bug, you have a different basic attack when using 2 daggers which does less damage per hit but attacks much faster. Look at the damage of your skills to compare, not the basic attack.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

That's not a bug, you have a different basic attack when using 2 daggers which does less damage per hit but attacks much faster. Look at the damage of your skills to compare, not the basic attack.

Abaddon Original Comment

I understand that there is a different basic attack for dual equipped daggers - that's not what I am reporting as a bug.

What I am reporting as a bug is the DPS drop of nearly 300 points even though I equipped a more powerful weapon.

That's the part that seems off.

Ah, I just realized something... are you telling me that "Average Damage" is actually your character's average damage per swing of your weapon?

I assumed Average Damage meant Average Damage Per Second (so, DPS score). Is that incorrect?

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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