Game disconnects and crashes constantly

Win 10, GTX 970, 32G RAM, 1TB HD, INTEL I5.

I can't play more than 1 map or the game will either disconnect and leave me at the main menu or the game will hard freeze (with annoying tone) and I can't even bring up the task manager. Always happens sometime during the 2nd of 3 dungeons. No problem like this until today, and I've now had 4 DCs and 2 hard crashes. I updated my video and audio drivers and still having the same problem.

As an aside, I can never transform because when I use the skill with the bell audio, the audio sticks and won't stop it's awful tone until I quit to the main menu and start over.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

hard freeze ?

Sounds like hardware side. Try on a friend/known good PC and check if you get hard freeze :D

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

hard freeze ?

Sounds like hardware side. Try on a friend/known good PC and check if you get hard freeze :D

verdi.11 Original Comment

Why would the game start freezing after no dc/crash issues the 1st 2 weeks? Only difference is I'm fighting higher level monsters and likely have higher density. My computer is pretty OP for an ARPG. And the computer does not crash, just the game. I am forced to do a user logout and then log back in. The task manager is present in the running programs but I suspect it is hidden underneath the crashed game since I cannot access it.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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