History in the making

We are witnessing one of the worst game launches of all time. Forget D3, that was a 2 days of server down and back up with some connection issues. This is 3 full days down and when server repopulates a full blown bug shit show of inability to target mobs, bosses not animating, skills doing 0 damage, ability to manipulate gold by stacking skills and selling, just a full blown programming disaster. Oh and we can't get our money back.

I'd rather be the CEO of Enron at this point than of Wolcen company.

Replies: 8

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Yeah I agree, I am not going to sugar coat it to protect the feelings of a studio that refused to do real testing with a community outside of twitch streaming hype trains.

Early access was such a small sample of this game, that I feel had absolutely no internal testing at all, yet they open the flood gates full game, full price for an alpha...

This game is every bit of a year away from being smooth, and probably another 6 months balancing. Not to mention, features that don't work at all that are key to the end game.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Give them some time, there's been tons of shitty launches recently and i can name a bunch. They most likely didn't expect such a high playerbase and got overloaded, even big companies experiences this. and yeah, i can't recall a lot of the content as fully tested by alpha/beta players. so there might be a few bugs varying upto gamebreaking that lurks around. They are atleast communicating on discord/twitter a lot and that's 100x better than NMS that went silent for 3months :'D

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Give them some time, there's been tons of shitty launches recently and i can name a bunch. They most likely didn't expect such a high playerbase and got overloaded, even big companies experiences this. and yeah, i can't recall a lot of the content as fully tested by alpha/beta players. so there might be a few bugs varying upto gamebreaking that lurks around. They are atleast communicating on discord/twitter a lot and that's 100x better than NMS that went silent for 3months :'D

mooseboy955 Original Comment

The more we give, the more they take, its normal now days to have incomplete games launch with tons of bugs and problems. That hasn't always been the case, but now days you pay a premium to test a game.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Give them some time, there's been tons of shitty launches recently and i can name a bunch. They most likely didn't expect such a high playerbase and got overloaded, even big companies experiences this. and yeah, i can't recall a lot of the content as fully tested by alpha/beta players. so there might be a few bugs varying upto gamebreaking that lurks around. They are atleast communicating on discord/twitter a lot and that's 100x better than NMS that went silent for 3months :'D

mooseboy955 Original Comment

Screw that bullshit, this is exactly the mentality that enables shitty games to be released before they are ready. Why should we "be patient" and "give them time?" They have years to develop these games, then release for full price and when they are total shit at launch we are just supposed to twiddle our thumbs and be patient while they fix it. No, do your due diligence pre game launch and get your shit right.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Give them some time, there's been tons of shitty launches recently and i can name a bunch. They most likely didn't expect such a high playerbase and got overloaded, even big companies experiences this. and yeah, i can't recall a lot of the content as fully tested by alpha/beta players. so there might be a few bugs varying upto gamebreaking that lurks around. They are atleast communicating on discord/twitter a lot and that's 100x better than NMS that went silent for 3months :'D

mooseboy955 Original Comment

They can see every copy of the game they sell, so this shit didn't just magically sneak up on them.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

We can still play offline. HOWEVER. Even offline you will lose items, progress, and in my case your character. Data loss like this is the bigger issue atm imo. Don't even want to start another char atm since there is every good chance it will disappear as well. ugh

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

We can still play offline. HOWEVER. Even offline you will lose items, progress, and in my case your character. Data loss like this is the bigger issue atm imo. Don't even want to start another char atm since there is every good chance it will disappear as well. ugh

kkeski Original Comment

Yup, you basically bought an idea.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

If I remember correctly D3 (in EU) had big problem only during first night after launch. After that there was a lot of DC but nothing major.
In Wolcen I managed to finish all Acts in offline mode before I could finish first in online mode and there are a lot of bugs. And I didn't come across any major bugs like quest stuck (beside last boss, where I just kept trying until it didn't bug). I feel like playing beta.
This should not be called release version. Just final beta version and all would be fine. They would fix all the bugs without this shit show and then only wipe characters for release

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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