Killing a tier 3 expedition boss results in failed expedition

When I hit 64th level expeditions, I noticed anytime I go to the third tier now and kill the boss I instantly get kicked from the expedition, and a fail message. I first thought we were trading deaths, but upon further testing it results regardless if I am at full health with respawns available. This happened on the Lambach also, but I got around it by letting a friend get the final hit. That friend no longer plays and I am not going to want to invite someone in just to get past this every time. I realize as I have not read anyone with this problem it might be "lag" or a character bug unique to my account. Even knowing it is most likely a low priority issue, by posting maybe eventually it will get looked at because I am now stuck in progress until it does.

Here is the bug:

Summary: Any tier 3 64+ Expedition boss on my character Koros can not be killed, as the kill results in an instant lobby close and failure notice.

Steps to Reproduce:

1) Create a character and finish story mode (My Character is 63, Fire Ailment build, Dagger primary Catalyst offhand)
2) Skills I am using: Plagueburst, anamoly, solar fall, Bulwark of Dawn, havoc orb as rage dump
3) Finish Expeditions until you reach level 64.
4) Start and complete first 2 tiers then attempt to finish 3rd tier boss

Results: Regardless of Boss Arch-type, when killing the boss instead of dropping loot, as the death animation starts the lobby closes and character is teleported back to the vendor lobby with a message that they have failed the expedition.

Expected Results: Death Animation should finish, loot should drop and player should be rewarded with progress on the expedition selection screen.

NOTES: This happens irregardless of modifiers. I have tested multiple times over the last two days with different passive tree (maintaining an elemental ailment build because of gear and gem selection) active skills and modifiers. I have played mandates with no issue, I can clear any level prior to 64, and I can clear and kill any boss prior to tier 3 of level 64. The issue only has presented itself on the one story mode Boss as described above, and the third tier boss of expedition level 64. Since I can not kill this boss, I have not been able to test higher tier expeditions to see if the same result is present.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Take Solarfall off your bar immediately. It causes memory leaks and is 100% the cause of your crash. This crash can also be easily reproduced as it is consistently happening at the same moment after every expedition.

Fix for now is not using the spell.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Take Solarfall off your bar immediately. It causes memory leaks and is 100% the cause of your crash. This crash can also be easily reproduced as it is consistently happening at the same moment after every expedition.

Fix for now is not using the spell.

Xavathos Original Comment

Just saw this, thank you for the advice. Will do!

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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