Lost Entire Stash Tab (Inc Unique Items)

Hey guys,

I just finished the third act of the story in online mode, and it was quite a blast. Thank you guys for your work, it was entirely enjoyable. A lot of fun.

Just as I finished the game, during the final cutscene, I heard someone knocking on my front door so I skipped the credits (Sorry guys) and from the main menu I hit the exit button and closed out the game to go check the door.

When I came back I wanted to try the new game mode, so I booted it back up. From the main menu I didn't have any new start option, or game mode to choose... just the Third Act, still. Which seemed weird. I booted it up any way, figuring I would need to go through a portal or do something in-game maybe... Once in-game I found myself at the usual starting point in town, and nothing seemed any different... which was odd. So I decided to check out the rewards I got for completing the final act... After doing so I wanted to put the items in my stash for later... and this is when I found my entire second stash tab gone, and locked, as if I had never purchased it to begin with. I was missing SEVERAL of my stashed gems, including a near full set of flawed gems, as many as five of them for the copperstone and amethyst type... And two uniques. The uniques in particular is a harsh blow. One was a shield that was perfect for my alternative build I was looking forward to making, and the other was a staff that was IDEAL for my good friend who had been playing all day with our group and he had been giving so much to the group, including two uniques and a constant stream of quality yellows and a legendary. Nothing ever seemed to drop for him and this staff I got, just a couple hours ago, is perfect for him. Shortly after he left for the night. I was hoping to give it to him as a surprise and to show thanks for his generosity towards the group. Good thing I never told anyone about it because it would have been a huge disappointment to have lost it now.

This is a gear grind game, so I don't mind having to grind for gear... but If I cannot trust my storage than it will become a serious detriment to my experience in the game, and it will make gearing up friends or other characters (replayability) not worth the risk of wasted time.

I just bought back the stash tab to see if maybe it would open up and show me the tab as I had left it but to no avail, it is now a normal, brand new, un-used stash tab, and it will remain so.

Please let me know if there is anything that can be done about the uniques that were lost in what appears to be some sort of stash reset. I don't mind having to redo the majority of the third act again or farming my gems back... Those unique items were an absolute joy to find in the game, though equally saddening to lose. I do not remember their names, these items, but if someone were to get in touch with me about it I can share a screenshot of one and details about the other.

If not, I understand, it's just a total bummer.

Take care,

Thanks again, the game is a total blast when it works.

(Edited for grammar and more clear information)

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Me too lost the entire new unlocked stash tab with my loot. Played for few hours then logout to eat when I re-login, my new stash tab was gone with my loot, the worst part my gold I purchased with the tab was not refunded, now I lost a tab with my loot & I'm broke.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Me too lost the entire new unlocked stash tab with my loot. Played for few hours then logout to eat when I re-login, my new stash tab was gone with my loot, the worst part my gold I purchased with the tab was not refunded, now I lost a tab with my loot & I'm broke.

Boy_Android Original Comment

I know what you mean... fortunately I have quite a bit of gold so I am not so bad off, but still I can empathize with what it must be like to lose all that after what feels like accomplishing some sort of progress.

Sorry that happened to ya, hopefully this sort of discussion will point the devs in the right direction and we can get some sort of positive results from it all.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

I know what you mean... fortunately I have quite a bit of gold so I am not so bad off, but still I can empathize with what it must be like to lose all that after what feels like accomplishing some sort of progress.

Sorry that happened to ya, hopefully this sort of discussion will point the devs in the right direction and we can get some sort of positive results from it all.

Happy_Zebra Original Comment

It's really discouraging, I know there's a gold exploit out there that can some how alleviate the issue, but I was hoping that I don't have to engage in those type of behavior just to progress in this game.

It's really a shame, you get punish for playing the game the "right" way. While others can just "cheat" the game & get away with it, & the devs seems not to care.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

It has happened to me without any logout in between, I would just return to loosen my inventory and i'd have lost have my gems and all my ethereal reagents.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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