My game keeps crashing

My game has crashed four times today. It's so annoying when you're playing with another person and you're at the third level of the highest expedition you've ever done and the game crashes and I get nothing. :(

Earlier the way it crashed was that my screen just went black. I could still hear game sounds, but not the sounds of the monsters that were on my screen when it went black. I had to kill the application.

Then I changed from fullscreen to borderless windowed and graphics settings from high to medium and hoped that would help. I was playing an online private game (again, on my highest ever expedition) and three levels in it crashed again. Of course.

The error log says "ouf of memory". I have 32GB of RAM and when the game isn't running I have 23GB available. I have made sure that I have the latest c++ runtime.

I really like the game and was looking forward to getting to max level and thereby starting the true endgame this weekend, but right now the game is just unplayable for me with all these crashes. There is no way for me to progress. The game never crashed for me before the latest update.


BackupNameAttachment=" Build(53) 14 Mar 20 (01 18 34)" -- used by backup system

Log Started at Sat Mar 14 01:18:34 2020
Built on Mar 10 2020 15:06:30
Running 64 bit Windows version
Executable: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Wolcen\win_x64\Wolcen.exe
Using Microsoft (tm) C++ Standard Library implementation

Total number of logical processors: 8
Number of available logical processors: 8
Total number of system cores: 4
Number of cores available to process: 4

Processor 0:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 3
FPU: On-Chip
3DNow!: not present
MMX: not present
SSE: present
SSE2: present
SSE3: present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 1:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 3
FPU: On-Chip
3DNow!: not present
MMX: not present
SSE: present
SSE2: present
SSE3: present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 2:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 3
FPU: On-Chip
3DNow!: not present
MMX: not present
SSE: present
SSE2: present
SSE3: present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 3:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 3
FPU: On-Chip
3DNow!: not present
MMX: not present
SSE: present
SSE2: present
SSE3: present
Serial number not present or disabled

Exception: 0xC0000005, at Address: 0x0033:0x00007FF963159179
Virtual memory usage: 5932Mb
Debug Status: 30:00 Game Wolcen_ENDGAME SinglePlayer
Removing file "error_steam_1-0-9-0_ER.log"...
File successfully removed.
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Addr: 0x0033:0x00007FF963159179
Exception Module:
Exception Description: Attempt to write data to address 0x0000000000000008

The memory could not be "written"

28) function=0x00007FF963159179
27) function=0x00007FF95D342A10
26) function=0x00007FF966313CD6
25) function=0x00007FF95AFA617D
24) function=0x00007FF95AFC2C34
23) function=0x00007FF95AFC526C
22) function=0x00007FF95AFB9E60
21) function=0x00007FF95AFBE291
20) function=0x00007FF944E8C4A1
19) function=0x00007FF944EE07B2
18) function=0x00007FF944EC01F9
17) function=0x00007FF944EF54AA
16) function=0x00007FF944F1E767
15) function=0x00007FF944F66AAC
14) function=0x00007FF944F6C27A
13) function=0x00007FF944F6B791
12) function=0x00007FF944F25160
11) function=0x00007FF94656D1A2
10) function=0x00007FF945F97F8E
9) function=0x00007FF901FFADCB
8) function=0x00007FF9020CAADA
7) function=0x00007FF9020C5277
6) function=0x00007FF612435ADE
5) function=0x00007FF612436FA6
4) function=0x00007FF6124379B3
3) function=0x00007FF965E77974
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
Attempting to create error screenshot "error_steam_1-0-9-0_ER.jpg"
Successfully created screenshot.

Error log:

Logged at Saturday, March 14, 2020 01:48:52

LogFile: game.log
GameDir: Game
Executable: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Wolcen\win_x64\Wolcen.exe

Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Addr: 0x0033:0x00007FF963159179
Exception Module:
Exception Description: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, Attempt to write data to address 0x0000000000000008

The memory could not be "written"
Memory in use: 5969.3MB
Debug Status: 30:00 Game Wolcen_ENDGAME SinglePlayer
Out of Memory: 0

Call Stack Trace:
28) function=0x00007FF963159179
27) function=0x00007FF95D342A10
26) function=0x00007FF966313CD6
25) function=0x00007FF95AFA617D
24) function=0x00007FF95AFC2C34
23) function=0x00007FF95AFC526C
22) function=0x00007FF95AFB9E60
21) function=0x00007FF95AFBE291
20) function=0x00007FF944E8C4A1
19) function=0x00007FF944EE07B2
18) function=0x00007FF944EC01F9
17) function=0x00007FF944EF54AA
16) function=0x00007FF944F1E767
15) function=0x00007FF944F66AAC
14) function=0x00007FF944F6C27A
13) function=0x00007FF944F6B791
12) function=0x00007FF944F25160
11) function=0x00007FF94656D1A2
10) function=0x00007FF945F97F8E
9) function=0x00007FF901FFADCB
8) function=0x00007FF9020CAADA
7) function=0x00007FF9020C5277
6) function=0x00007FF612435ADE
5) function=0x00007FF612436FA6
4) function=0x00007FF6124379B3
3) function=0x00007FF965E77974
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_0(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_1(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_2(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_3(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_4(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_5(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_6(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_7(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_0(Blocking)):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Suspended thread (RenderThread):
2) function=0x00007FF9662DA261
1) function=0x00007FF9662DA261

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

do u use Solarfall? im guessing memory leak

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

do u use Solarfall? im guessing memory leak

Clickmuch Original Comment

I do use Solarfall and it's something I've only recently started doing. Is it a known bug that solarfall crashes the game?

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Apparently so. I also have the problem. Also I usually get crashes when handing in expeditions. The solarfall seems to be a memory leak, it also occurs in extremely dense maps more often (I usually crash in green bluffs against purifier armies).

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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