UPDATED! (Note for devs) New info on act 3 monolith bug

So we all know about the bug that happends if you relog right before entering monolith. But here is some extra info.

Note for devs :

When you have this bug, and enter the game there is a quick flash of a black screen with some dialog text. Its just for half a second.
This might help you find the issue.

The dialog says "Kill the stirring one. Destroy the Power Core."

There you go guys. Thats the problem.

Edit: This is a list of things I've tried:
1. restarting game
2. Changing graphics settings such as v-sync, quality etc. (also with restart)
3. Relogging 10 times.
4. Entering a sidequest zone
5. Completing a quest in a sidequest zone.
6. Clicking thousands of different pixels around the entrance
7. Joining a public game and then going back to my private game
8. Making my game public (the player never fully entered my game)
9. Having another player joining your game does not make them nor you go further.

None of these above solved it. There is also one more thing people have suggested, and thats changing game-mode. Unfortunately I'm doing a no-death playthrough so I can not do that, since you cant get the nodeath-achievements in story mode.

Fixed: All of a sudden the screen with the dialog was longer than before and now I could enter Monolith - Lower Halls. By spamming entering new games.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I have the same issue with a brief black screen and the cinematic that says "Kill the stirring one."

Then I pop into town and the monolith portal doesn't work. I've tried joining new games a dozen times or so and gave up.

The patch notes gave me hope but it doesn't seem to have fixed anything for me.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I have the same issue with a brief black screen and the cinematic that says "Kill the stirring one."

Then I pop into town and the monolith portal doesn't work. I've tried joining new games a dozen times or so and gave up.

The patch notes gave me hope but it doesn't seem to have fixed anything for me.

kevin1234 Original Comment

Yeah the patch did not solve this issue since I got it after this patch. However, it worked eventually, so it IS possible to reenter games and Maybe get it. Hope they solve this soon. :)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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