Online game Progress lost


I've been playing wolcen online today in a private game and logged off for a bit for dinner. When I logged in again it starts me all over from the first quest after been to the city in act I. This is really annoying. I have all gear and skills etc but my quest progress is lost completely. Between this and unhitable bats in the caves and flying tree stumps with no actual stumps my patience with this game is wearing thinner and thinner. I get that there are bugs but this is a bug that shouldn't even be in the beta. Can't even play online with friend (is what I bought it for in the fist place). Highly recommend the dev's do some emergency patching asap. This is really shitty.

[EDIT] After trying anew and loggin out after doing several quests, progress appears to be saved. When I reported this issue I was kicked due to inactivity (was having dinner). Possibly the progress does not get saved properly when kicked due to inactivity. Although I cannot be sure. I am however 100% sure that my issue occured within latest version.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

My offline character was at the Act 2 end boss, quit for the night and restarted today just to find myself at the very beginning of the act again with no waypoints and all quests reset. :| I'm not sure I have it in me to keep replaying entire acts every time I have to log for the night. I'm enjoying the game mechanics but like op said the little bugs (and the bigger one of not saving your progress) are starting to ruin it for me.



Hopefully that fixes it.

(Edited 4 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

My offline character was at the Act 2 end boss, quit for the night and restarted today just to find myself at the very beginning of the act again with no waypoints and all quests reset. :| I'm not sure I have it in me to keep replaying entire acts every time I have to log for the night. I'm enjoying the game mechanics but like op said the little bugs (and the bigger one of not saving your progress) are starting to ruin it for me.



Hopefully that fixes it.

John French Original Comment

This does not apply to my issue. I have said version and my progression was achieved within said version. Quest and act progression is still lost.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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