[PUSH] FIX for the Act 3 invulnerable Boss Bug!

As Posts are getting pushed down on a regular basis I want to keep them up a bit by reposting the guides and adding some info.
Again it would be nice if the Devs either FIXED this OR Pin the Workarounds somewhere everyone can see them!

As of now the Devs haven't resolved this issue hence we share some strategies to get that bastard down. Thanks to all contributors at this point!

Strat 1:
Do not damage him in any way during his transformation from normal to ascended/demon form. This includes DoTs, Ailments and maybe environmental damage like meteors, etc!

Strat 2:
If you happen to have a DoT build it will be a bit harder for you. Your best bet is to either kite him around the upper left orb (Purple Shadow wave thing) and let that kill him or you "Left-Click" him to death with auto attacks. Cumbersome, but working.

Strat 3:
Nuke him! (Quite literally)
Ask someone who as already beaten the boss to kill him for you in a party. This is by far the most comfortable solution if you have a friend at hand.
You can use the Community-Taxi Service for this. They will carry you through the fight. (AWESOME GUYS!!!)
Service can be found here

Original guides:

My own Workaround:

ECZ's Post:

Neekonimus Step by Step guide:

Replies: 8

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Yeaaa! i was being mad becouse i can't kill him ! this bug make me piss off.

i have tryed 5 times, and in face 2 and 3 is when him make his self and invulnerable, and was thinking just why, and noticed was for animation bug.

thanks 4 the post

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Bulllshit game with a bullshit end boss that cant be killed. 10/10
Wtf fix your shit !

Did nothing happen in alpha / beta testing???

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

well i can't kill him. try number 12.

fucking amazing.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

It's hard to see how this bug passed testing. It's going to turn players away from this game, since they won't be able to reasonably get to the post campaign content if they're using DOT style builds unless you only use the basic attack to down him. It's a shame. Aside from this bug, the rest of the issues are reasonable given the recent release of the game. This one is a huge negative when it comes to player experience.

If this isn't a high priority issue that gets resolved shortly, I'd expect many players to draw some rather poor opinions on Wolcen and the studio's attention to detail and customer service.

Please fix this ASAP and it would be smart to throw the players currently playing Wolcen some sort if in-game bone for working through/around it.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I have been trying to kill this asshole for the last 3 days....reallly a pain when you have a ailment DOT build. This is the stupidest thing i have ever encountered. Its too common of a problem to ignore yet here we are, being ignored. I guess patching gems was more important.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Bulllshit game with a bullshit end boss that cant be killed. 10/10
Wtf fix your shit !

Did nothing happen in alpha / beta testing???

Carlzzon Original Comment

There was no alpha or beta testing early access was nothing like the final product, they dumped literally 2.5 untested acts, 20 untested skills, hundreds of untested skill modifiers, an entire ring of untested fate nodes, and oh yeah a completely untested endgame. I have NO clue how they thought this would be a good way to release a game but holy shit was holding everything out of early access a terrible idea.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

It's hard to see how this bug passed testing. It's going to turn players away from this game, since they won't be able to reasonably get to the post campaign content if they're using DOT style builds unless you only use the basic attack to down him. It's a shame. Aside from this bug, the rest of the issues are reasonable given the recent release of the game. This one is a huge negative when it comes to player experience.

If this isn't a high priority issue that gets resolved shortly, I'd expect many players to draw some rather poor opinions on Wolcen and the studio's attention to detail and customer service.

Please fix this ASAP and it would be smart to throw the players currently playing Wolcen some sort if in-game bone for working through/around it.

jon.f.goodrich Original Comment

It's real simple. There was no testing Ha.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I'll go with Strat 4 thanks: Get Steam to refund it.

Bugged boss preventing large numbers of players being unable to progress? Yeah...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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