Really? F-ing really???

I just completed the third of three excursions and ported back to town and, just then, my game decided to crash with a little "please send this information so we can figure out what went wrong" dialog. I come back into the game and... nothing. The game doesn't even think anything happened. I am back in town. Nothing to turn in. No progress on all my 5/5 town things. This is unacceptable. Progress should ALWAYS BE SAVED NO MATTER WHAT! As soon as I complete the thing and get the call to return to town, that needs to be set in stone forever. I should be able to log off for a month and come back and -- BING -- still ready to turn in.

I think I am done with this game for now. It's punishing, the bosses are damn annoying, the loss of progress if anything -- ANYTHING -- goes wrong is beyond stupid.

Replies: 7

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Happens to me all the time too since the last patch, are you using Solarfall in your build? I saw people saying that is causing it, I haven't swapped it out to test yet. You are dead right though, as soon as that last boss is down your progress should be saved.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Happens to me all the time too since the last patch, are you using Solarfall in your build? I saw people saying that is causing it, I haven't swapped it out to test yet. You are dead right though, as soon as that last boss is down your progress should be saved.

ReaperHR Original Comment

Yep, I am using Solarfall. No idea if that's what's causing it. I am not into anecdotal evidence. I'd rather the devs process the debug log I permitted to be sent to them and figure it out. Maybe in a few months, they will have this sorted out. It's not the crashing I mind so much as the fact that the server is not coded to remember my progress. That's a huge oversight on their part and not one I would make as a developer. That would be like the FIRST THING I design for.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

yeah don't get me wrong, I completely agree, not saving progress is a real killer with this bug. I just changed out Solarfall btw and did a quick run and didn't crash on returning to town, I'm not happy with it as Solarfall is one of my main spells but I'll try it out some more. Utterly ridiculous if that is what is causing a crash, I can't even understand how it would be possible...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Just to help anyone who ends up in this thread with the same problem:

The Solarfall spell is the cause of this problem. It makes you crash to desktop after completing an expedition and moving in town. You can do your city stuff before the crash as long as you don't move, but when you move, it's all over.

I'd highly advise you take this spell off your bar for now. If you're looking for weakness stacks, a good alternative is to have sacred damage to your spells on your gear, or picking up Sacred Oath with a bit of block chance.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

yep .... same thing with my mag ..... sec I removed Solarfall i stop getting this disconnections after the town portal back ....

That is beyond weird because you get disconnected when you not using it , you just have that skill on the bar .... this game is strange ....

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

yep .... same thing with my mag ..... sec I removed Solarfall i stop getting this disconnections after the town portal back ....

That is beyond weird because you get disconnected when you not using it , you just have that skill on the bar .... this game is strange ....

dean.bertoncelj Original Comment

It's not strange. Everything you do in maps getting written to memory and something that happens when you go to town, which triggers completion of quests and missions etc, triggers this memory leak and it comes from Solarfall.

How those are connected is a mystery to me, I just know that it's true. I was expecting another patch to fix multiple issues this week, but it seems their promise of weekly patches is another empty one. Shame.

This moment, right now, this is when you speak to your community and explain, or suffer the consequences of inaction. /shrug

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I was disconnecting to the main menu without SolarFall but I just happened to swap builds into solarfall and am now hard freezing on expedition 2 of 3.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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